Scryer ... or how F8 met Mighty SissySIT

Joined 2021
Paid Member
Some progress:) test mounting, split washers will be used, but first I have to make some drilling for the SIT.

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Joined 2019
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It’s been a while since I’ve listened to BFJ2 (more recent, an F8-like circuit). That said, during previous Scryer listening sessions, I’ve thought to myself, “this is like a J2 with SITs”. I bet Scryer and BFJ2 sound more alike than different. Both are quick, transparent, with a touch of sweetness. I think the main thing separating them is that elusive ‘SIT sound’. I don’t know how to describe it, but I feel like anyone who’s spent time with a SIT amp (at least one designed around here) knows the sound.
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Joined 2021
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Your Migthiness,,

contrary to my plans, I will build the Scryer with its own built-in power supply as a stereo amp in a 4U/400 Mini Dissipante (the XA will be built as monos), using a Toroidy 400VA donut @2x18V and with your CRC power supply (aka HA).
And there are some questions (and some more could follow :D ):
  • what value should R1 and R2 have? In the DiyA PS there are four resistors connected in parallel (0.47-1R) with 3W each, so it would mean R1=0.12-0.25R @12W (and the same for R2) - is that correct (I think not)?
  • There is no space for the bleeder resisitor - can I switch a 15k 3W at the input of the CRC between rail and gnd (i.e. between plus and gnd and minus and gnd)?
  • Which NTC should be mounted at the exit?
  • After the PS, I would mount a cap bank with 2x33mF per rail - is that okay?
  • I would use a 2,5A slow fuse (I´m using a 1,25A for a mono M2x) - would it be okay?

Thanks very much! :cheers: :deerman:
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Looking at the amp board and aluminum T-bar mounting position, about 1/3 of the 2SK2087 hangs off the T-bar. Doesn't seem to be an ideal mounting method.

no problem if you mount OS parts (and pcb) directly on heatsink

no problem even if you use L or T bar - mount them in same fashion as mounting directly on heatsink - first OS part then pcb then washer then split washer then screw

.........which means that I'm going to abandon in future arrangement of having L(T) bar in sandwich between OS part and pcb - eases layering of top copper

N.B. even if half of it hanging free, if you have half back tab connected to heatsink, 2SK2087C will be happy with just 40W or so of heat, back pad is that big
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Your Migthiness,,

contrary to my plans, I will build the Scryer with its own built-in power supply as a stereo amp in a 4U/400 Mini Dissipante (the XA will be built as monos), using a Toroidy 400VA donut @2x18V and with your CRC power supply (aka HA).
And there are some questions (and some more could follow :D ):
  • what value should R1 and R2 have? In the DiyA PS there are four resistors connected in parallel (0.47-1R) with 3W each, so it would mean R1=0.12-0.25R @12W (and the same for R2) - is that correct (I think not)?
  • There is no space for the bleeder resisitor - can I switch a 15k 3W at the input of the CRC between rail and gnd (i.e. between plus and gnd and minus and gnd)?
  • Which NTC should be mounted at the exit?
  • After the PS, I would mount a cap bank with 2x33mF per rail - is that okay?
  • I would use a 2,5A slow fuse (I´m using a 1,25A for a mono M2x) - would it be okay?

Thanks very much! :cheers: :deerman:

- MZM using 0R1/5W/WW
-who needs bleeder resistors? use brain instead ....... I'm bleeding my PSU simply staring at it .......... or mount some underneath; 2K2/1W will do the job .......... or just leave to amp to bleed its own PSU
-10-22R, small one, 10mm Dia
-who is gonna prevent you, in your own overachiever game? half of DIY fun is in that
-one Donut 400VA, connected to measly EU 230Vac; 400/230=1A74; 2AT rarely does the job (even with soft start it'll pop too often) but 2A5T will do; "T" means 'träge" in Austrian language :clown: