Scryer ... or how F8 met Mighty SissySIT

Joined 2008
Paid Member
Because I have the power supply in another box entirely, one thing I’m missing from my Scryer is an appropriately tinted LED glowing from within the chassis per channel. Are there good spots on Scryer’s PCBs to tap for an LED, or should I just add a resistor and LED off of the DC supply inlets? :deerman:

Making evening supper for MZM and myself.
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Joined 2008
Paid Member
Perfect time to update the Scryer thread!

My Scryer is back in the main system today.

PLUS, I made my signature Frutti Di Mare dinner for me and my son.

Now enjoining the Scryer and my updated OB speakers after the gustatory delight. Life is good. Cheers. :spin::radar:


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just be sure that SIT gate resistor position on pcb is populated with 0R (short) and mount flying gate resistor ditto on SIT gate, neatly heatshrinked (wire, resistor, gate pin)

do not twist GDS wires, just route them normally together

Doublechecking this ZM... R138 (and R238) = 0R, and 100R wired inline (shrink-wrapped and such) with wire feeding gate on my Tokins?