"Shadow of The Colossus" build thread

600-700 Hz ??? :captain::worship:

The driver doesn't sound strained at all, at least not in the clip.
Taking into account the (likely) less than ideal transition from the exit through the adapter to the horn throat, the actual result is even more astonishing.

I'm afraid I shall have to order a pair ;)
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Shite, had a no-buyer's remorse :D and had to order also a pair Faital HF108:santa2:

Lets see what works best in Yuichi. Ketone Faitals based on the hf1440, are smooth criminals, I don't feel any pull to try another brand yet even though I liked the smallest BMS 4526HE (w. 4524 diaphragms) in hORNS Mummy. Airy sound without sibilant ss's and velour like smooth mids that are Aloe Vera to the ears, yes please.:santa2:

Hi Legis, did you use the HF108 or 108R?

Hello Legis.
This is the project that I was following from beginning. Thank you for sharing.
I'd like to build something like that (maybe in V configuration) and have a dilemma which driver to use in 800+hz.
I really like the sound on your video with Faital HF1440, it's seems that it got more body then HF108, but you prefer HF108 over it.
I want to use 4x10" JBL2251J - they are usable from 125-150hz and up and crossover them in 800-900hz.
For bass duty I can use 2x18 or 4 x15 below and above them. Those JBLs mids have a beautiful tone and realistic sound, and it's seems that they have same cones (but 10") as your Fanes.
For drivers my choice is:
18 Sound ND1460A $270
Faital HF108(R), $137
Faital HF1440 - expensive!
Any advice on horn and drivers from real experience will be appreciated.


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Yea, I have some new toys to play with. Dartzeel clone is quite nice:)

Yea hf108 is better than hf1440 for me, in this horn. Its hard to find any downsides with this combo. Hf1440 are not bad but one of the best drivers, its just hf108 is better for me. Hf108 does not really sound like comp driver, its very mellow sounding in the mids, yet very accurate even tho its plastic dome. Tells something that i dont use td4001 which i own, and I sold hf1440 also, and instead of those use the hf108:D
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Sometimes a well-executed classic concept - a soft, dome shaped diaphragm + annular phase plug + strong neo motor, works better than newfangled technology (ring radiator).

A funny idea, such a small driver competing against that colossal woofer arsenal.
The horn lends a big hand in this case.
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Great thread, just seen it. I love the Colossus design.
I had the A290 (hand made) in the last FLH system I had that I broke up when I moved into an apartment. I used 4590s and I really liked them.

I'm moving back to the original house and have been designing for a while, and what I had was 1/2 a Colossus, WMT.
Colossus is an iteration of a simple, widely varied and time-tested consept esp. among studio monitors. It works without tricks. Simple xo and quite simple in acoustical terms (it has a clear acoustical center and is +/- point source in far field) and the subjective time coherency and kick is very good due to slightly "frontrunning" woofers which have near-0 group delay and near perfect impulse of a 0,5q sealed. Achievements in comp driver technology will scale it very good since the majority of the sound is dictated by the one wide bandwidth horn. Also tayloring the sound to ones preference with electronics etc. is straightforward, speaker supports 1-2ohm output impeance quite ok (without flattening the impedance on purpose) and does not require many watts.

Build two and you will be happy.:D
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Are you still running them in a 2-way config?

I have to say, after comparing some older videos of your big red MEHs to the Colossus, I much prefer the sound of the latter.
The MEHs have the 'cuppy' or tunnel-like signature I know from the big (as in 'deep') Danley SH series. The Colossus sounds more like the J1-94, my favorite Danley product.
Yes 2-way. Tried the 2,5-way 2nd time during the summer. Same outcome, it's also good but subjectively not as good as 2-way.

True, Yuichi is very balanced, open sounding and transparent horn, but big and deep conical has its strenghts too. Also unlike conical (at same extent), a true horn like yuichi has evident signature transient snap even tho its wide dispersion horn. When using a mid matrix which acoustical center of the mids is at the center of the horn, the sound emanating from the speaker is 90% as logical as with synergy, but the mids dont suffer from injection ports limited bandwidth and resonances. In the far field might be +/- on par with synergy in how logical the mid/hi integration is.

Heh my avatar is still my old synergy. Maybe its time to change it at some point :D
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I am already using an XT1464 together with a Faital HF 146. Sound is nice and, apart from achievable level and dynamics, very non horn-like.

It is just the urge to try something new once in a while. The HF 1440 and the 15NTLW3550 are such beasts that draw one's attention to themselves.



Hi Charles,

this woofer?

Eighteen Sound - Professional loudspeakers

Have you heard the woofer?
KR Barossi
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Hi Barossi

Yes, exactly this one. No, I haven't heard it yet. Although it is intended for two-way usage and having parameters that allows a low tuning it is probably not ideal for power HiFi usage at a second glimpse. Some Scandinavian member of this forum tested its smaller 12" brother and it seems that it has a not so ideal relationship between 3rd and 2nd order HD. I guess this is due to obsessive attemps at reaching BL symmetry.

