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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

Shanti and Revolution bundle..yes
Isolator is compatible..in fact anything that works on RPI will work on Usbridge
Usbridge + Alu case for USBS+ Digione Sig will be available
If you have purchased a Shanti and want to buy a USbridge , please email is first *with order number) and we will offer you same discount
I recommend earthing USbridge yes and we have added to the manual (place)

How will USbridgeSig sound with Digione. Sorry I am unable to answer from my test data, I will not give my personal opinion .

Awesome, thank you! Should I contact sales@allo.com, or is there another preferred method of communication?
Firstly greetings and thank you, have been happily using a full Katana stack and, since launch, Shanti as well.

I think I saw mention of this a while back but can't recall an answer:
As I understand it USBBridge Sig will simply replace the bottom (Pi) layer in my current stack. I would like to be able to use both the USB output of the Bridge (to an external DAC) and also the i2s output to the Katana - not necessarily at the same time, but hopefully with just a change in player software (JRiver and moode) to direct output to the correct device.
Will this be possible/straightforward as it is on a PC for example where you simply select output device as desired or is there something in the way that Katana works with regard to master/slave that would complicate this? Thank you.
Usbridge Sig (Ultralow noise SBC) PCB only will be on sale by Friday/Monday the latest

Samples for reviwers will be sent today/tomorrow the latest .

For the version with ALU casing , it will take about 1 week extra. So please hold your purchase if you need alu casing.

PCB price (with SD card and RPI compute module) but no PSU is fixed at 239$ (EU add about 25% for taxes and our shipping cost)

Shipping will start Friday (monday the latest) From India and 3 days latter from EU.

I will post the manual tomorrow (PCB version)

Revolution DAC new pcb was shipped , I will post findings in 1 week (max 10 days)
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Firstly greetings and thank you, have been happily using a full Katana stack and, since launch, Shanti as well.

I think I saw mention of this a while back but can't recall an answer:
As I understand it USBBridge Sig will simply replace the bottom (Pi) layer in my current stack. I would like to be able to use both the USB output of the Bridge (to an external DAC) and also the i2s output to the Katana - not necessarily at the same time, but hopefully with just a change in player software (JRiver and moode) to direct output to the correct device.
Will this be possible/straightforward as it is on a PC for example where you simply select output device as desired or is there something in the way that Katana works with regard to master/slave that would complicate this? Thank you.

Correct output can be either i2s (Katana/Boss and other DACs) or USB. You can simply chose the output in Moode/Pcp/Max2play software

I think we have Moode , Max2play , Ropiee , DietPI ready (with the driver), Volumio has the old driver and we are talking to them , worst case scenario we will release the image with the updated driver ourselves.

Hans , yes he will get a unit as soon as we get the alu casing