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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

Please note that all our products are very true to the actual cost unlike many competitors.

We offer a small discount on the Shanti when purchased with USBridge direct and we offer the same discount for people that ordered the Shanti before.

We understand that 10$ discount its not much , but Shanti is priced very low (I think that rest of LPS sell for at least 500$ for same noise), It will be easier to offer a good discount if the pourchase price of Shanti was 500$...

At 159$...how much discount can we offer ?

On USbridge Sig at 239$ including a SD card and CM module , its the same issue. I think that most streamer sell for 600-2000$.

Please understand that low prices means that we cannot offer the same discounts that others offer (for the simple reason that we dont have the same margins)

We hope you understand our point of view and that you enjoy the value/$/Eur that ALLO products bring.
Regarding future products, I’d love to see a multi voltage Shanti, 9-15v, for the ADI-2 DAC.

I replaced an inexpensive lps (for the dirty side) and 18650’s on the clean side with the Shanti. WOW! Much better definition, soundstage, without harshness.

I played Bowie’s “Scary monsters” on both my vinyl and new digital set up and switching back and forth. Yes there was a difference, the lp was a ever so slightly rounder, and the soundstage was a little narrower. The digital was like sitting in the mixing room, I could make out every little nuance, without fatigue.

Lp: VPI Prime, Hanna SL, VTA PH16.
Digital: Roon, Rpi 3b+, digione sig, ADI-2 DAC

Ampl: Primaluna Dialogue premium, Focal 1008be2

Thanks again for an amazing setup. Now back to the music .

I appreciate it :)

I also listen to music with our own hardware and every time we start the design , we think on how to improve and deliver for our customers (and for my own setup)

Thx you to this community , I took so much of the feedback and ideas and implemented them on our hardware..so yes a big thx you

Now back to Revolution DAC (I got the latest PCB )...will update in less than 1 week.

ps. I am thinking already on Shanti 2 and voltages..
we will make a test setup and check. How will you flash the eMMC ?

An eMMC-SD adapter such as this one would work, no? Even though the markings just say "reader", you can also write/flash with it.


  • eMMC-SD.png
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Ok so we went to work for the eMMC compute module

The problem on CM module 3+ (different than CM 3) is that eMMC and SD card cannot be used in the same time

So if your eMMC is flashed then Usbrisge will work fine , however if you have a blank CM with eMMC you wont be able to boot from SD card and you wont be able to write to it.

A couple of work around (if you really need eMMC CM module)

1. Get our eMMC and use it in the SD card slot
2. We might release a small flash PCB that will make the CM+eMMC as a slave and you could easily flash from any PC (for about 25$)
3 Basic Options?

Seems to me there are 3 basic options (not talking about PSU permutations!):

1. USBridge Sig alone - USB digital out
2. Standard RPi + Digione Sig - SPDIF digital out
3. USBridge Sig + Digione Sig - SPDIF digital out

It will be intersting to hear how these 3 basic options compare. I would expect that option 3 will be better than option 2 but not sure how much better. Reviews of option 2 indicate that it was better than the older (non-Sig) USBridge. My main interest is whether the improved USB digital out of the new USBridge Sig matches or betters option 2.

On a separate note, can anyone tell me the dimensions of the USBridge Sig? I cannot see it on the Allo website.