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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

Using a Shunyata Anaconda Zitron (RCA), I used both the RCA and BNC (using a high quality BNC to RCA adapter) on my DigiOne Signature and did not hear any difference on my Magico S1 via a Micromega M150. Your results may be different, but I'd say not worth losing sleep over!


Wanted to get opinions on which output to use on the digione signature.. im currently using rca cable to my dac but my dac has bnc inputs. Is bnc output is better than rca? I can get a bnc cable if its better but don’t want to bother if it’s insignificant.

Got USBridge Sig up and working with USB out and am now integrating with existing Katana stack. Could someone please confirm that in swapping Sig for Pi the power arrangements remain the same? Using Isolator and Shanti, connections go to Isolator and Micro Controller with all jumpers remaining as they were? Similarly is there any preference for which of Shanti’s outputs goes where with Sig + Katana?

Wanted to get opinions on which output to use on the digione signature.. im currently using rca cable to my dac but my dac has bnc inputs. Is bnc output is better than rca? I can get a bnc cable if its better but don’t want to bother if it’s insignificant.



I favor cables with BNC termination whenever possible, as a properly built one could achieve true 75 Ohms.

Even if there's an RCA connector on one end, I find using a 75 Ohm BNC to RCA adapter preferable to RCA cables with a BNC adapter or BNC-RCA cables.
Probably a dumb question... but here it goes.

If the eMMC option is chosen when purchasing the USbridge Sig, does the board keep the SD card slot and the eMMC comes with an adaptor, or there is an aditional eMMC reader included in the board as in the old USBridge?

In any case, is the eMMC choice better for its boot up speed only, or would it be advisable for more realiability as well?

Probably a dumb question... but here it goes.

If the eMMC option is chosen when purchasing the USbridge Sig, does the board keep the SD card slot and the eMMC comes with an adaptor, or there is an aditional eMMC reader included in the board as in the old USBridge?

In any case, is the eMMC choice better for its boot up speed only, or would it be advisable for more realiability as well?


Our eMMC plugs into SD card slot. eMMC its better for reliability . Speed its about the same
Just stepped over an interesting Allo post over at the RPI forums.

I am also a user of compute modules for audio designs.
RPI4 is a excellent step in the right direction . You guys did great.
Please bring the CM4 to the market and expose the PCIe,
Let us use our creativity .
II would be ready to buy 1000 units to start.

Looking forward to future developments. :D