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Shanti Dual LPS 5V/3A , 5V/1.5A

Shanti needs an important change. The USBridge documentation says that it requires a 5V3A power supply. So does the Katana board fitted with an Isolator. But the Shanti has one 3A and one 1A.
Basically 2x 3A ports are needed, unless the Revolution will do with a 1A supply.

Shanti is perfect for the SIG with Revolution.
For SIG with Katana you should buy two Shantis.
No change for power is needed for Shanti.

Shanti needs an important change. The USBridge documentation says that it requires a 5V3A power supply. So does the Katana board fitted with an Isolator. But the Shanti has one 3A and one 1A.
Basically 2x 3A ports are needed, unless the Revolution will do with a 1A supply.

The power hungry unit is the CPU.

Just be be clear USBridge Sig / RPI side (feed by isolator or direct ) , we recommend 3A but it should work even at 1A
Katana uController power ---1A

So for this combo you need 1 Shanti

USbridgeSig + Digione Sig... one Shanti
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@cdgames - Is there an option to purchase the USbridge Sig without the compute module for a discounted price? Also, what's the expected shipping date for the Revolution DAC?

It might be possible but we need to make a custom transaction . Even if you buy module on your own , there wont be any savings..

Revolution DAC testing is halted due to holiday in India. I am eagarly awaiting results and then I can update..
Usbridge Sig in alu casing is shipping from India as of today

USBridge Signature Player - Ultra low noise RPI

EU shipping will start early next week/

Thx you all for your patience .


- do I need to buy the promoted usb adapter cable? I just want to use shanti + usbridge and usbridge is powered by usb c

- are the outer dimensions of the cases equal? I consider buying the revolution dac to replace my usb dac and to be in the same housing as USBridge

- what about the Wifi dongle? Should I further wait? Or will it just be the Info "it's dongle xy" and I can buy it everywhere?
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Hi Weaver

can you share your impression on sound quality (USB output) compared with previous solution ?

I keep meaning to come back to you with an answer on this, but yesterday I got completely sidetracked by listening via Katana; I was not expecting such a difference there, for me it is more of an improvement than Shanti (though obviously it is cumulative as well, as I am now listening with both Shanti and USBridge Sig in place). In addition, I was several versions behind on moOde so I don't know whether being up to date on that has also brought some differences. Either way I am pleasantly surprised by how much of the extra subtle detail, the quiet bits and pieces, are now present.
On the USB side a little context is necessary: when I first started with PC based playback around 6 years ago from an Intel NUC I tried all sorts of things to get satisfactory USB playback. Several different DACs, isolators of various kinds and USB to S/PDIF convertors. After many months I settled on optical as the option that worked best for me and though I have tried coax and usb at times since I have never been happy with them.
Until now that is! I only had a brief listen via the USB on the Pi under the Katana (to see how the software would work mainly) before dismantling that stack, so I don't have a direct comparison, but the USBridge is the first time I have not felt that USB was a compromise when listening.
My only minor issue at present is that I have had a couple of occasions where the USBridge didn't boot first time; the red LED just stayed solid red. Both times a power down and re-start got things going.