Simplistic MosFET HV Shunt Regs


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“Simpler Simplistic'' Design by Salas

Salas Welcome, welcome everyone!

After practicing with Salas shunt regulator, I show the “Simpler Simplistic''
Design by Salas is better than last vesion.
I redrawn cricuit I practic and value components of the doctor invited views and suggestions!

Thank Salas!
Thank everyone!


  • Cricuit-'Simpler-Simplistic.jpg
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“Simpler Simplistic'' Design by Salas layout Quanghao

Dear, Salas and all friends!

I have completed the layout “Simpler Simplistic''.
One board with 4 separate:

1. PCB “Simpler Simplistic''x 2.
2. Filament x2. on the first sheet can be separated into 4 pcb with cuts.

The next weeks I will made 3 PCB for me and 5PCB for my friend, 5 PCb for gift!
I will gift 5 PCb to 5 member in, if you interested please send me information on addresses, and e-mail, thanks!

invite you to view layout please!


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“Simpler Simplistic'' Design by Salas layout Quanghao

Dear all friends!

There are so many members want to do PCB “Simpler Simplistic''
I am always ready to help you!
However you must obtain permission Salas! Because It is Design by Salas!

If Salas agreed, and if allowed, I will make the PCB and share for all member like it!
Thank you Salas, thank all!
Salas, after reading this thread almost entirely, I still have few of questions.
1. I understand that Ultra Fast Soft Recovery diodes are close to tube rectifier and that this Shunt Regulator masks the sound of the preceding rectifier. I like the idea of saving filament power requirements and the cost of limited-life tubes. Yet, I aim at the best possible sonic quality from a line stage and a phono stage I'm about to build. Wouldn't there be any benefit from using a tube rectifier preceding this shunt regulator?
2. When the amplifier tubes have anode CCS, is there still an audible benefit of the shunt regulator over a series regulator, like the Maida Regulator?
3. When the amplifier tubes have anode CCS, is there a benefit from any regulator at all?
Thanks, Salas.
Sorry, English isn't my mother tongue, I don't understand your meaning by: "Subjective detection down to 20% as of with typical passive filters."

However, please let me rephrase my question.
When using the shunt regulator, will there be a meaningful audible difference between a good tube rectifier and a well designed ultra fast soft recovery diodes one – provided both have CLC or CRC passive filter?
Here is my attempt for your shunt regulator for a line amp.
The amp's idle current draw is about 50mA (Salas 6V6 Line Stage). I chose CCS current of 125mA that on one hand should suffice for smooth operation and on the other hand will enable me to use EZ81 as a regulator. I prefer a regulator with the lowest possible filament power consumption. Also, I prefer not to draw more HT current than necessary for best operation of the regulator.

The way to choose R1 value is explained on the thread. I had to try and figure out the way to choose the values of all other resistors from the various variations of the regulator posted here. I'm concerned especially about the value of R5 on my schematic. 175K would be good for 2mA passed by 2SK170, but for 1mA it should be around 330K.

Any comments about the values I chose would be appreciated.

Also, a general question. Wouldn't the 2SK170, which has maximum -40V V-GDS, blow up, especially on startup, while C2 is being charged? How about 30V Zener across it to protect it at startup?


  • Shunt Reg 360V 50mA 1.jpg
    Shunt Reg 360V 50mA 1.jpg
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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You would need 340V for the 6V6 line pre, not 360. Also 125mA will create much heat, 70-80mA will be enough since its a class A preamp. 30V Zener across the 2SK and a 150V Zener across the CCS Mosfet are good measures. Although it works without a problem in 2 recent 6N8S perf anode 2 stage preamps that friends made @ 250V B+ , I am not sure what will happen at 340V and your current, so better be safe than sorry. 47R base stopper for the driver BJT is also a good measure. There with those preamps we had the opportunity to directly compare a double mono Maida to a single Simpler Simplistic, and by their 3rd party impressions, there is no way back.
Less perceivable than with just a typical passive filter and no reg. Still a little. Something like 20% of the typical tone goes through.

Interestingly, not my impression. I may be too sensitive to SS diodes "sound" but the regulator did little to reduce the difference between tube and SS. Haven't tried rolling the vacuum rectifier and see if this is audible though :)
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Interestingly, not my impression. I may be too sensitive to SS diodes "sound" but the regulator did little to reduce the difference between tube and SS. Haven't tried rolling the vacuum rectifier and see if this is audible though :)

I clarify. Less tone of each goes through in my experience, not like bringing them SS & Vacuum together. If you focus, its there. But not as pronounced as without reg. Also I prefer a CLC to a CRC before it. Did you do the Jfet Vref mod BTW?