Simplistic MosFET HV Shunt Regs

diyAudio Chief Moderator
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milen007 said:
Hi Salas

been ordering part for this shunt reg. just wondering if there need to do some adjustment for output voltage of 140v and current around 40mA using the 1st schematic? i guess this shunt reg will deliver more than triple than required current. think its good right?

one channel only draw 20mA. do you suggest i run 2 shunt reg or just share a single one?

any help really appreciated

regards, Erwin

Share one for both channels, post#2 schematic. If you want to make double mono PSUs keep it as is, triple current is better.

You can use any tube rectifier. Only calculate the mains transformer and rectifier drop for ICCS current correctly, so to always have a DC in that must be about 50V more than needed output.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Use a small one that will not saturate at nominal Reg current draw. A few H with low DCR so to not lose voltage. Or CRC with 220R. In general the ICCS in the reg keeps the ripple out. It only needs to be some logical ripple magnitude. Only be sure of what raw DC value you are going to end up feeding the reg with. A simple way to be safe when deciding about transformer and pre filter is to simulate in Duncan's free PSU simulator. Google for it, if are not already using it.
milen007 said:

sesquialtera, the pcb you design is base on Salas' shunt reg is for sale or personal use? if you make it.. i would like to have 2 pls

I was planning on ordering only a few pcbs for personal use. If you want some, you can order a batch from and use the file I have attached in a previous post. Be warned that I'm a newbie to this and have not real-world tested it yet!
Yep, you will get 3 boards delivered to your door for $60.85 in the US. I'm not sure what the costs are in other countries is, but the Express PCB program will tell you.

A trick to do on the mini board service is to add the component designators to the top copper layer to help with placing components. Also, you have a lot of space on the board. You can most likely scrunch the parts together on half the board, then copy/paste a second image of the board on the other half. Then you get 6 boards for the price of the mini board service. Just takes a pair of large hand shears to cut the boards apart.

For ideas on top copper layer circuit designators and multiple images on mini boards see the down load area on my web page.

Gary P's DIY page
Gary P said:
Yep, you will get 3 boards delivered to your door for $60.85 in the US. I'm not sure what the costs are in other countries is, but the Express PCB program will tell you.

A trick to do on the mini board service is to add the component designators to the top copper layer to help with placing components. Also, you have a lot of space on the board. You can most likely scrunch the parts together on half the board, then copy/paste a second image of the board on the other half. Then you get 6 boards for the price of the mini board service. Just takes a pair of large hand shears to cut the boards apart.

For ideas on top copper layer circuit designators and multiple images on mini boards see the down load area on my web page.

Gary P's DIY page

Thanks for the great suggestions. I was able to scrunch the component placement to fit 2 on a board. Any issues with proximity of traces or thermal concerns (with the mosfets and the 5W resistors closer to each other?


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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See posts #3 & # 7 about what does what and how to set it.

It is OK to use one trafo and two regs. Better still, use one trafo with double secondaries and two rectifiers. Closer to double mono.

There can be many ways of running such tubes. Better read the brand's website or ask Allen Wright so to know exactly. A general third party guess without pointing us to the schematic, would be ''relatively low current, 10-20mA channel total''.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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sesquialtera said:

Thanks for the great suggestions. I was able to scrunch the component placement to fit 2 on a board. Any issues with proximity of traces or thermal concerns (with the mosfets and the 5W resistors closer to each other?

Can you avoid double layer by routing the green traces differently?