Simplistic MosFET HV Shunt Regs

Forgot to ask

Forgot about it. So its tested and reported very positively on your preamp by Jean-Charles here about a year ago. Go for it then. PM or email Jean-Charles for any details if he is not watching, also. The stock regulator looks like LM317 Maida style from the schematics near the post you linked. The high voltage one is the one called SSHV or simplistic HV, whatever with HV.

If having your SSHV in the power supply, I can totally eliminate the "stock regulator" for the Daniel II, correct or not?

Some builder have shown SSHV DVM photos with the MJE350 holding even at over 300V (which is its spec). So give it +/-320V DC input and go +/-300V with the trimmers. What is the +/-ma that your electrostatic headphones amp will consume? Needed info.

CLC pre filter people say its subjectively better. CRC is nice for sizing the input voltage when trafos and mains aren't exact on the other hand.

What do you think a tentlabs electronic choke before the Salas regulator in the power supply? It might be quite interesting, I guess :happy1:

Electronic Choke
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Hi Salas!
What about this one?

Simplistic Mosfet HV Shunt Kit for phono and Pre -

They called SSHV, so that's the one maybe?

My buddy is building a line stage from Welborne Labs:

Welborne Labs CATO Vacuumt Tube Linestage

Is your low voltage shunt regulator capable for this linestage?

Salas low shunt regulator V1.0 -


Any +/- 24V reg should do that line stage. As for what ready made solution, kit, or board, please ask the makers directly.
Salas, Tubenstein

I missed these posts, I was traveling and got back yesterday.

Tubenstein, I got your PM and I will answer your questions starting with the attached photo. The photo is not too good, because its been compressed to post here. The original requires 3 meg of space and I could send it to a private email if you like.
First, I am surprised to learn Sonic Frontier (Parts Connection) today offered Daniel II pc boards. I though it was Daniel I only. I built 3 Daniel 1 and got my boards from them. I never heard of the model II at the time. Only Curcio was selling them.
If you got a II, you are very lucky, because it is a better machine than the one. Of course, Daniel I is not a bad instrument. The ones I built are still in operation and their owners are very pleased with the performance, except the II is a substancial upgrade from its earlier model.
Yes there is a Tent Labs 15V fixed regulator in there, it replaces the 7815 supplied by Curcio. It is pin to pin compatible. I removed the 7815 and soldered a 3 pin socket. The Tent Lab regulator goes in there.
The shunt regulator is a Salas Simplistic HV regulator and boards are from Quanghao. This is the reason I built this one, I wanted pc boards for it. Now, only Salas could tell you which one is performing best among the many desings he offered us.
So look at the picture and if you have question we can continue via PM.


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Salas, Tubenstein

I missed these posts, I was traveling and got back yesterday.

Tubenstein, I got your PM and I will answer your questions starting with the attached photo. The photo is not too good, because its been compressed to post here. The original requires 3 meg of space and I could send it to a private email if you like.
First, I am surprised to learn Sonic Frontier (Parts Connection) today offered Daniel II pc boards. I though it was Daniel I only. I built 3 Daniel 1 and got my boards from them. I never heard of the model II at the time. Only Curcio was selling them.
If you got a II, you are very lucky, because it is a better machine than the one. Of course, Daniel I is not a bad instrument. The ones I built are still in operation and their owners are very pleased with the performance, except the II is a substancial upgrade from its earlier model.
Yes there is a Tent Labs 15V fixed regulator in there, it replaces the 7815 supplied by Curcio. It is pin to pin compatible. I removed the 7815 and soldered a 3 pin socket. The Tent Lab regulator goes in there.
The shunt regulator is a Salas Simplistic HV regulator and boards are from Quanghao. This is the reason I built this one, I wanted pc boards for it. Now, only Salas could tell you which one is performing best among the many desings he offered us.
So look at the picture and if you have question we can continue via PM.

Hey man!
Thanks for pop up for assistance! Many thanks! Since you have the Salas regulator in the circuit, are you still having the Curcio stock regulator in the circuit?

Because I confused, the reason is that the 7815 (replace by Tentlabs shunt) is part of the Curcio stock regulator. Sounds like you have Curcio and Salas regulator working together. How?

My friend has a Conrad Johnson Premier 10 for 18 years, and he already replaced the resistor on cathode follower and plate loaded with constant current source The local DIYer and technician who familiar tube gears, they all said the regulator in the preamp ruins the sound, and the circuit limit the performance bythe cathode follower and the regulator. Luckily, the CCS improve the sound of the preamplifier.

I have mentioned your Salas regulator and he is very anxious and exciting about it. From your experiences, what kind of improvement will be gain from the Salas regulator installed to the CJ preamp?

if he decided to put your regulator to the preamp, it requires lots of work to that, since the unit has a big PCB.



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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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My friend has a Conrad Johnson Premier 10 for 18 years, and he already replaced the resistor on cathode follower and plate loaded with constant current source The local DIYer and technician who familiar tube gears, they all said the regulator in the preamp ruins the sound, and the circuit limit the performance bythe cathode follower and the regulator. Luckily, the CCS improve the sound of the preamplifier.

I have mentioned your Salas regulator and he is very anxious and exciting about it. From your experiences, what kind of improvement will be gain from the Salas regulator installed to the CJ preamp?

if he decided to put your regulator to the preamp, it requires lots of work to that, since the unit has a big PCB.


Don't know what to expect, I try not to talk off...hand.:D Fit & listen, leave ways of retrofit. DIY is an experiment always.

I have got another (nonexpert :)) question for you...
I am running one of my HV shunt regs (still the older version) in my transformer coupled C3G headphone amp for 9 months or so...
It is still on the breadboard but will be cased up in the next months and will also receive the SSHV reg with one of the boards
of dvb-project (more compact).

I remember from the thread that somebody said that the shunt reg will not like to "drive" output transformers = inductance.
Well, the amp is performing quite nice but sports a very slight harshness that initally I thought was the schematic in general or else.
I now noticed that the shunt Mosfet gets warm rather quick even though I only have about 30V Vin - Vout, CCS set to about 80mA,
32mA into the load. I suspect I am having oscillations... right?

Of course there is no scope here to prove it... but is there something I can try to better my situation? I could convert to parafeed
with smallish coupling caps (~ 4.7uF) if there is no other chance. Also: would the shunt reg like to drive a Ultrapath connection
(3.9uF russian oilers to the cathode) with my SE output transformers?

As usual, any thoughts are very appreciated!
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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I have got another (nonexpert :)) question for you...
I am running one of my HV shunt regs (still the older version) in my transformer coupled C3G headphone amp for 9 months or so...
It is still on the breadboard but will be cased up in the next months and will also receive the SSHV reg with one of the boards
of dvb-project (more compact). - Dtbv74e8i.jpg

I remember from the thread that somebody said that the shunt reg will not like to "drive" output transformers = inductance.
Well, the amp is performing quite nice but sports a very slight harshness that initally I thought was the schematic in general or else.
I now noticed that the shunt Mosfet gets warm rather quick even though I only have about 30V Vin - Vout, CCS set to about 80mA,
32mA into the load. I suspect I am having oscillations... right?

Of course there is no scope here to prove it... but is there something I can try to better my situation? I could convert to parafeed
with smallish coupling caps (~ 4.7uF) if there is no other chance. Also: would the shunt reg like to drive a Ultrapath connection
(3.9uF russian oilers to the cathode) with my SE output transformers?

As usual, any thoughts are very appreciated!

Here a scope is king, we can't guess at such easily. Theoretically you can add 1u more // with your now output Zobel capacitor. So its gonna be 2u & 3R3 Zobel. That can give you 10deg phase relief in band. See if it helps. Not applicable to SSHV, this is for the original SHV. I.e. yours.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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They look the same schematic which is the newer one and adequate. One has an extra chip reg section for heaters power and accepts on board sinks as far as I can see. Just different configurations. As for kit parts types/quality, assembly directions, contact the vendor as I am not involved.