Sure Electronics New Tripath Board tc2000+tp2050

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For better information on the TC2000 I would suggest reading the datasheet for the TCA2002. They are the same IC (as is the TC2001), the TCA2002 is just an improved version and the datasheet for it was written nearly 3 years later with more detail.

I think the reason it shows BBM timing as 0 is because their MOSFET drivers like TP2050 have built-in deadtime. I would guess it's on the order of >120ns. Im sure you could set it even higher with the BBM settings, but that won't help distortion any.
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Hey Anon. I have been searching thru a lot of datasheets for power output chips - Tripath and DDX, but can't find dead time mentioned anywhere.

Is your 120nS just a "SWAG" or have you measured it or read it somehwere? I'd love to know what it is, but my trusty old 15MHz o'scope is not up to the task. Good for audio, but not fast enough for that sort of work.

Time for a scope upgrade. It's only money, after all.

It may come down to the old audio trade off of heat vs. distortion.
Heh, I was tired and just shooting from the hip. I meant to say power stage and not MOSFET driver anyway.

There is obviously deadtime built into the TP2050, that's why it can work with the TC2000 set to BBM = 0ns. I'm sure Tripath set it a little on the high side for reliability reasons.

I think deadtime is intentionally not mentioned for power stages simply because they already set it internally for what they think the internal FETs require.
does this board have a low noise floor?

Could I get some more comment on the s/n ratio on this board? Iv'e read through this thread and the question has been asked before but only one person (audio1st) has mentioned it being "dead quite". What sensitivity speakers are you using it with? Has anyone tried it on 96-106db efficient drivers? I'm looking for something that has the noise floor of a TA2020 but with a little more grunt, 2 x 100w would be perfect.

The manual provided by Sure suggests use of a 50Kohm potentiometer for volume control.

Can anyone kindly explain the effects of different ohm values on the potentiometer in plain English that a lame newbie like myself can understand?

How does one decide what value is suitable? What will happen if too higher a value is used? What will happen if too lower a value is used?

I must thank various people on this forum. Without your kind help, I would not have even dreamed of ordering a PCB. I am slowly learning and beginning to enjoy it.

Hmm.... when is my board arriving though? :(
I am very curious about this board as I would like to make the transition to
class D operation. I have just finished a pair of MurphyBlaster Usher 2 ways and am very
happy with the sound. I am currently using a Behringer A500, which I think is a very good
amp for the money but I would like something even better!(For less, if possible).

Can anyone comment on the sound compared to the Behringer or an equivalent class AB amp? I have owned the original Sonic Impact T amp and performed the mods as per Panomaniac's recommendations. I thought it was quite good in the upper registers but lacked, ahem, Sonic Impact.:)

Another motivator for me is that I listen to music almost all day and would like something that
consumes as little energy as possible.

My board arrived yesterday evening. I have been listening to it the whole night :)

I am powering it with a 12V 3A laptop adaptor as I am still waiting for the 24V 6A Mean Well PSU to arrive.

Definitely I have to listen to it a lot more before I can say anything about it, but here is the first impression.

This amp has definitely got enough (actually a lot of) power. Mine is rated at 2*50W only with a single TP2050 chip yet it seems it's capable of generating good dynamic bass. It certainly has a lot more power compared to TA2020 and I think it can drive even "not efficient" speakers. And note that mine has got only one TP2050 and is currently being driven by a 12V 3A PSU. I wonder how it will perform when driven by 24V 6A and if yours are rated at 2*100W it should be even more powerful!

The heat sink does get a little hot even when powering it through 12V 3A and I wonder if it's going to get very hot when powered by 24V 6A PSU. It's not sizzling hot by any means, but if I keep my fingers on the heat sink for more than 5 seconds, I begin to feel a little uncomfortable.

The lows, mids, and highs sound well balanced and I like that highs do not sound harsh. Having said that, I do wish it had better separation and soundstage. How do I say this....? The sound is easy to listen but it feels like they are all *mingled* together and I don't know but *something* seems to be missing... maybe minute details in the highs and mids? But then considering the price, probably it's the greatest bargain I have ever had!

Can good input caps improve the soundstage?


  • tk2050 001.jpg
    tk2050 001.jpg
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Yes, the board comes with two small rectangular plastic thingy at the very same locations as your picture shows. To be honest, I don't know if they are capacitors but they have "BJ 6CA" written on them.

BTW, the back side of mine is not shiny like yours! Actually, mine is coloured in black including those plastics labelled "BJ 6CA".

Anyway, should I remove them?
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