Sure Electronics New Tripath Board tc2000+tp2050

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SMPS sounds better to me

What are the pros/cons of running one of these puppies off a toroidal say a 0-18 300va? why the switch mode? forgive my ignorance...
I found the MeanWell switching supply sounded much better than my big linear supply but if you already have +24 to +30v available from another project you can use that to get started. If starting from scratch, buy the big MeanWell for $40 which sounds better and will be much cheaper and easier than building a linear supply. Just set the amp on top of the SMPS case on the styrofoam lid from it's packaging, screw in two wires and plug it in. Now the amp is playing.
What are the pros/cons of running one of these puppies off a toroidal say a 0-18 300va? why the switch mode? forgive my ignorance...

It would have my preference, simpler, more durable and just as good a supply voltage...

A switchmode supply is only more compact, but due to the large amount of parts these tend to break down much quicker. Especially cheap ones, even though they are from Meanwell, might be a dump supply of slightly lesser quality units....
I found the MeanWell switching supply sounded much better than my big linear supply but if you already have +24 to +30v available from another project you can use that to get started. If starting from scratch, buy the big MeanWell for $40 which sounds better and will be much cheaper and easier than building a linear supply. Just set the amp on top of the SMPS case on the styrofoam lid from it's packaging, screw in two wires and plug it in. Now the amp is playing.

Im confused now whats this styrofoam lid? Im wanting to mount it all in a 2u case? so will a big toroidal/rectifier/big caps etc not sound that good?
I found the MeanWell switching supply sounded much better than my big linear supply but if you already have +24 to +30v available from another project you can use that to get started. If starting from scratch, buy the big MeanWell for $40 which sounds better and will be much cheaper and easier than building a linear supply. Just set the amp on top of the SMPS case on the styrofoam lid from it's packaging, screw in two wires and plug it in. Now the amp is playing.

I also thought that once, it's not true, build a big fat oversized linear supply and you'll notice its just as good as a switchmode...
Well, why do most people report different then? I have noticed that dr_vega said he had a big linear supply (build a big fat oversized linear supply) and the SMPS sounded much better (and you'll notice its just as good as a switchmode...)

So please, maybe you are right, but it might as well be that these boards are not that difficult to supply, so a SMPS works better.
Maybe on other amps the toroid works better, but I advise you to listen to the board, instead of just trying to make comments on other people's findings (which they might have heard, while you are doing the theory)
Well, why do most people report different then? I have noticed that dr_vega said he had a big linear supply (build a big fat oversized linear supply) and the SMPS sounded much better (and you'll notice its just as good as a switchmode...)

So please, maybe you are right, but it might as well be that these boards are not that difficult to supply, so a SMPS works better.
Maybe on other amps the toroid works better, but I advise you to listen to the board, instead of just trying to make comments on other people's findings (which they might have heard, while you are doing the theory)

I don't know if you have a clue how many amps I've built? It must be several hundreds by now. Look on forums for just a handful. It's certainly not other peoples findings I rely on! I have even designed SMPS power supplies myself, and no there is no real difference indeed because the Tripath amplifiers are not that critical. Only they like (as all other amplifiers) a very stable supply voltage, also named 'stiff'. An SMPS has an advantage of the high switching frequency charging the buffer caps real fast, but has a disadvantage with supplying transient peaks, where BIG supply capacitance has the advantage. So comparing the one and the other it's either small size or durability which I find the heaviest weighing factors. Both can be found cheap and expensive.....


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Have any of you tried these (cheaper than Meanwell) power supplies?

Yes I have one and it performs much better than the cheesy 24volt wall-wart that I had been using. The Meanwell clone eliminated the distortion in the bass drivers I was getting from the 24 volt supply and the amp sounds great running at 30 volts. Externally, the smps seems solidly built, comes with a nice stainless steel case, and AC and DC power cords. I can't attest to the quality of the innards, I'll leave that to someone more knowledgeable. The power supply gets warm but not hot, and so far the cooling fan has not been activated. Tracking of the shipment from Modders is via the Sure website, the PayPal payment went to a Sure email address, and the recipients name is the same as on the amplifier board. Add it up, and you get Sure electronics as the vendor.


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As I read it, it might be beneficial to the sound if the caps are BEFORE the pot, as the longer the wires after the pot, the more the sound degrades. Ofcourse this makes only a slight difference, but it might be worth a try.
This way however, the pot might get loaded with the 2.5v bias voltage?

The pot would short the 2.5v this way.
Yes I have one and it performs much better than the cheesy 24volt wall-wart that I had been using. The Meanwell clone eliminated the distortion in the bass drivers I was getting from the 24 volt supply and the amp sounds great running at 30 volts. Externally, the smps seems solidly built, comes with a nice stainless steel case, and AC and DC power cords. I can't attest to the quality of the innards, I'll leave that to someone more knowledgeable. The power supply gets warm but not hot, and so far the cooling fan has not been activated. Tracking of the shipment from Modders is via the Sure website, the PayPal payment went to a Sure email address, and the recipients name is the same as on the amplifier board. Add it up, and you get Sure electronics as the vendor.

Oh, so it's a Meanwell clone, my mistake before then.

Volume control

hi guys just one question.Should i install potenciometer.I do have passive preamp..
Whats best option?.
The shortest cables (none) following the lowest value pot that your source will still drive well (10k?). Or better yet, if the volume levels work out, straight in with small amounts (0 to -10db) of digital volume control from your media player.
Oh, so it's a Meanwell clone, my mistake before then.


I am assuming it is a Meanwell clone because there is nothing on the case calling it a Meanwell. The case is slightly different than pictures of the Meanwell, and the weight is listed at 1056g for the clone and 1134 for the real thing. Otherwise the spec sheet is lifted directly from the Meanwell. Both product numbers are PT-IP012, and the model number is S-350-27 on both. Because of the weight, I am guessing that the insides are different.
If it's the same SMPS as • Toon onderwerp - 2 * 100 watt klasse D module.

Then I can only say don't buy it. Reports are that the fan in this device is super noisy and the guy in that thread reported smoke coming from it.
The Google translation isn't that good but it sounds like they are discussing the contact of Meanwell to resolve the problem so I guess that is who made it("Je kunt beter Meanwell mailen"). The pictures don't look like my supply at any rate, and the fan has yet to be activated so I can't tell if it is noisy. Definitely no smoke so far and it is working well.
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