TABAQ TL for Tangband


I want to build a pair of TABAQs next year.
I try to get my hands on a pair of w4-1320SJ but here in europe I can not find this one. Germand and Italy distributors, do not have it either. The other 1320 models are too wide (not chopped borders).

I found stock of the VIFA TG9 models, anyone compared the two?

Is there anything else I can replace this particular model?
I want the best possible sound (for my money).
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I may try that.
I've got a reply from a distributor regarding the W4-1320SJ, it says nobody wants to order it because it is hard to cut the front of the cabinet, and the increasing price of neo magnets forces the manufacturer to build more ferrite magnet versions. I couldn't even find neo magnet type on stock. Its a pity.
You should ask Bjørn what driver he is using in the commercial version he's about to unleash. Looks like it is one of the Peerless 2.5 inch alu-cone drivers but I could be wrong.
Same as with the Vifa (same manufacturer) they are very good value for the money, and don't come with the ridiculous import taxes because they are from the EU.

It's going to be interesting to see how and at what level he will reach the advertised 40Hz with a 2.5 inch fs 100Hz driver though. ;-)
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Try the Vifa TC9FD rather than TG9FD - more power handling. Regarding the 1320SJ, If you don't want to use thicker material for sides, increase width of cabinet and decrease depth to keep CSA constant. I would also look at Faital Pro 4FE32/35 or 3FE22/25 - great 91 dB efficiency and response curve looks great. Low price too and is EU.
I have not tried this yet but it is on my list of must try drivers. I like that they are 4 ohm.
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any comments on folding that W2 version?

Will be rebuilding another TG9 / TC9 version x 3 for under and next to the TV, in 18mm MDF... that's set for the next weeks. They'll all be folded and the two mains will have built-in AmpCampAmp #1s. I'll extend the cabs a tad and then let the heatsink sit at the top. Drawings to follow.

- Bret
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Here is rough measurement of Vifa TG9FD frequency response. Measurement distance 35cm on axis, TABAQ in front of open bookshelf. BSC 1mH + 6R8.
FR smoothing 1/6 oct. Below 100Hz the vent is too far from mic to give correct results.
Depending of final placement the BSC might still need some fiddling.


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Hi Bjorn,

I can try to make near field measurements, maybe 10cm is ok? My mic is ECM8000 with the general calibration file, so there can be some tolerance issues especially at 8..15kHz range.
I was little surprised how strong BSC filter was needed, but of course the placement directly to wall will change situation somehow.
Below 100Hz, the real room response seems to be pretty flat down to 60Hz, dropping ~5dB @ 50Hz. Very close to your simulations. It is just that the far field FR measurement below 300Hz in normal room is real pain...


Today some new measurement results, with same BSC (6R8 + 1mH).
First two from left: distance 10cm
Next two; distance 2cm
Last one in the right: distance 10cm, no BSC.
Smoothing in all 1/12oct.
TABAQ box was 30cm from floor, and the driver is assembled 3cm higher than drawings suggest.


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Hi errki1

Interesting results. Measurement of the speaker is often measuring the room instead of. Sometimes just sin tones is a good way to get an idea of how low the speaker is performing.

I sims I have done, there is a loss in bass when your lift the speaker from the floor.

I still get a smile on my face listening to small drivers with a "big" sound :)

I am bulding a Micro TABAQ with Tang Band 2 inch driver. The -10 db point is at 75 Hz. Well, not Hi-Fi but certainly Fun-FI.

Hi from
Hi Bjorn,

Yes the room mixes measurement results a lot.
Another thing, these TG9FD drivers seem to need really heavy/long break-in.
Fs is 145Hz out of the box, while spec says 105Hz... After driving 50Hz approx X-max level for 5 minutes, Fs dropped to 135Hz.
Obviously measuring before break-in makes some penalty to the bass response.

How do you folks think this BMR would do in a TABAQ TL?

HiWave HIBM65C20F-8 3-1/2" BMR Full-Range Speaker 8 Ohm | 297-2156

Resonant Frequency (Fs): 86 Hz
DC Resistance (Re): 7.2 ohms
Voice Coil Inductance (Le): 0.055 mH
Mechanical Q (Qms): 4.9
Electromagnetic Q (Qes): 1.09
Total Q (Qts): 0.89
Compliance Equivalent Volume (Vas): 0.04 ft.³
Mechanical Compliance of Suspension (Cms): 0.65 mm/N
BL Product (BL): 4.33 Tm
Diaphragm Mass Inc. Airload (Mms): 5.25g
Maximum Linear Excursion (Xmax): 3.5 mm