TABAQ TL for Tangband

I now plan to replace with a better driver, since you have givena thumb rule of fs100hz for 3 inch. I am able to source this peerless driver.-Peerless S07NE,with the following specs. Kindly suggest whether this is a suitable driver for the TABAQ box.
Impedance 4 Ohms
Frequency response 100 - 10K

Do you plan to add a tweeter? 10k is a bit limited in extension...
Which driver?


Newbie here wanting to build a Tabaq!

I really like this thread, all your builds inspired me to starting building a Tabaq.
I think it s great that the designer of the Tabay is still involved and always willing to help and open for improvements to the original desgin.

At first I had the idea of building a Needle based on a "Bausatz" from: Needle Bausätze im Angebot bei SpectrumAudio-Spezialvertrieb für Breitbandlautsprecher und mehr
but I think the Tabaq "looks" nicer and has a better WAF :)

This is my first speaker build of this size and I want a budget-Tabaq.
I want to order the drivers but it is not clear to me which one to choose:
W3-871B 23,99 euro 110Hz Qts 0.57
W3-315E 25,40 euro 100Hz Qts 0.52
W3-316B 28,17 euro 100Hz Qts 0.43?
Or a non-TB driver?
What are your experiences with these drivers and what can you recommend me?
Do I need a filter?

By the way, what is the benefit of using a 4 inch driver instead of a 3 inch?

What I really miss is a list with all available drivers that has been used in a
Tabaq build with a short description about the sound experience, which Tabaq-build, how much stuffing, filter used etc......
All information is spread across 1600+ messages :rolleyes:


4" vs 3" in general terms....
Bass is easier to find. Though subject to "beaming" at lower frequencies than with a 3".

With Tabaq, if built to the original plan with a reasonable 4", you get deeper bass tuning.

So many options built it would be a big task to organise them. There have even been traditional type woofer+tweeter builds. A W100S plus tweeter.

The 3" are nice, but the 4" will bring a bigger smile, on all kinds of music.

If you are looking at a particular driver, just do a search with that driver in this thread, and a few relevant posts will come up.

Assuming any of the FR plots from TB are relevant (they are not, usually), the W3-871B looks to be the nicer one.
I might take a look at 315E with the lower Fs.
This is a guess as I have not heard this driver.

If you play at moderate levels it is pretty amazing what you get from 3 inch drivers. The wow factor is there!

I have put the Baffle Step Circuit in an external box to make it easy to test. In general you get a more balanced sound but it is dependent on your taste, listening room etc.

Experimenting with BSC and stuffing is a part of the fun. And there is always another driver that would be nice to test.

The 3" are nice, but the 4" will bring a bigger smile, on all kinds of music.

If you are looking at a particular driver, just do a search with that driver in this thread, and a few relevant posts will come up.

Assuming any of the FR plots from TB are relevant (they are not, usually), the W3-871B looks to be the nicer one.

Hi, I read in a earlier post that you have build a Tabaq with the TB W4-1052SDF. Do you like thesse drivers? Are they okay for listeing Pop, Soul and Jazz music? They are available for the same price as a W3-315 so that is also an option! THNX Harry
The W4-1052SDF sound very nice. I'm mostly listening to funky jazz, reggae, soul, happy music, with them in TABAQs, and they do a great job. They bring more meat to the sound than the 3inch drivers.

I'd recommend them anytime.
There's a bit of brightness at 2800Hz, if you like it that way, it's fine, or a small notch filter of -4dB will balance it, either passive or by EQ.

I'm trying to get the W4-1320SI to try as well. Still waiting for them.
Hi John

I use 3.9 ohm in parallelle with 1.0 mH.

Others use up to 6.8 ohm and / or 0.7 mH.


What is the Re and Le of your drivers coil? The Dayton RS100-4 I plan to use is 3Ohm, and .28 Mh.

When I used the online calculators They gave similar results with 3Db of attenuation at .2Mh and 1.2 Ohms, with 6Db attenuation I got .5 Mh, and 3Ohm....

I think I need to build and do some measuring before I go buying a large quantity of coils and resistors....
Hi mightym

The values are based on MJK worksheet, and it seems it is the shape of the cabnet that is the key factor rather than the driver itself.

3.9 and 1.0 mH is the one I use - when I use baffle step compensation. At long listening distance and the speakers at the back wall I don really miss the filter. But that is up to you to decide :)

Hi mightym

The values are based on MJK worksheet, and it seems it is the shape of the cabnet that is the key factor rather than the driver itself.

3.9 and 1.0 mH is the one I use - when I use baffle step compensation. At long listening distance and the speakers at the back wall I don really miss the filter. But that is up to you to decide :)


Thanks, back to build and measure, try it and see....
Just an update: I have cut the panels and applied wood primers. Today, I'm gonna assemble the cabinet and seal it with silicone sealant. Hopefully, I can eek out enough time for stuffing it with foam and do a listening test !

But yeah, 85 db sensitivity (of the TB driver I'm using) is going to be a big drawback.
I'm thinking about painting this design on my TABAQ !

What do you guys say ?
Would love to hear your ideas as well !


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