TABAQ TL for Tangband

OK, I know it seems I am back and forth on sub or 4" TABAQ. I couldn't find a decent sub driver for my purposes due to mostly budget. So I have a pair of W4-1337SDF on the way, pretty similar to the 1320. Should I use the revised port design and enclosure design for these? Take stuffing down to around 60 grams. Also I cannot find mention of a BCS for the 1320 that I thought would work for the 1337?

I know there is a SIM done for larger enclosure, but was having issues finding actual building dimensions. Thoughts?
Perceval, I am needing a 6" 8ohm for impedence and room size reason. I will keep looking though. In reading the whole TABAQ forum it sounds though that the 4" does add to the sound experience.

My question still remains regarding the enclosure/stuffing for a 4" version. Bjorn also suggests a slight volume increase to get a bit more bass, but I have not found dimensions for the volume increase. TABAQs are easy and fun to build so if no answers come my way perhaps experimentation is in my future:)
I have 4" drivers in a loosely followed specs from the pdf. Added a couple of cm here and there, mostly because the boards I bought at the time were almost the sizes I needed and I didn't feel like setting up the table saw.

I also have another set built following the plans exactly.

The differences between both are, at best, minimal and hard to hear.

In a small 3m x 4m room, they dig low enough for most of the time. Just don't expect room shaking with pipe organ recordings.

I also combined them with some TB 8" drivers that required less than 10 litres sealed boxes. That helped the low end.

If you want really cheap, but most of the time good enough, check out GRS drivers at Parts-Express. They are dirt cheap and will get the job done. They can be put in smallish enclosures, or even OB, to help the low end.
Perceval, thanks for your input. Sounds to me like the 4 will suit me fine. I just wanted to hear a bit more lows than the 3 were giving me. I mostly listen to Jazz so boom is not what I want... just a bit more of the double base to come through etc. I am to old now for the boom stuff, the ears cannot take it:( I have a prejudice for TB"s or Peerless but the GRS might fit the bill to introduce friends and family to TABAQs. The TB4-1337 just kept calling me to try them.
The GRS, I meant for subwoofers.

I didn't try them, so I'm just guessing here.
Yes, I like the TBs with the TABAQs as well.

I have the W4-1052SD, and it does deliver in the bass department, and going up to 15kHz, after that, my ears fail me anyway. It needs a little notch to be close to perfect.
Markaudio CHR-70

Hi all,

I have been enjoying my Tabaq's with Visaton FR8's.

I have now ordered a pair of Markaudio CHR70.3 speakers with the intention of building another Tabaq enclosure.

Bjørn has already done a sim for this driver in which he recommends increasing the dimensions of the enclosure including possibly altering the port.

Maybe this is more of a direct question for Bjørn if he would be so kind, but would leaving the port dimensions the same as the original design be acceptable for this driver?

If anyone has made the enclosure for this driver with Bjørn's suggested dimensions I would be grateful for their input.

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm a complete novice at this!

Best regards

I might have found something interesting here.

New company started coming out with some interesting drivers.

Found this, which is about a 3.5", some funky cone that looks like bamboo, inverted surround, cute flat dust cap "a la Alpair", a strong and thick aluminium forged bezel and a nice airy construction behind.

I just had to get one and test.

Ran DATS on it and it looked like it would fare well in a TABAQ, but the very low FS means that my current "test bed" TABAQs are probably too small, which is shown with the huge spike at 57Hz. Probably a little bigger dimensions would work well here.

FR in my test sealed box was a mild rising from 50Hz to 7kHz. Still had juice up to 12kHz, then would start falling.

In the TABAQ, the low end was raised with a spike at 57Hz, and still helped up to 300Hz. Impressive +20dB spike at 57Hz!!! I believe the original TABAQ was tuned to 55Hz? So, maybe this one could be tuned to 45Hz.

But, what really struck me is the amazing behaviour offset. Look at the FR taken from 0, 15 and 30 degrees. Very well behaved.

I think I will go ahead and get me a second unit and maybe build a slightly bigger and different tuning of the TABAQ.


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I am preparing to build 2 pairs of Tabaq.

One pair with Dayton RS100-4

One pair with the Dynavox LY302F

Interestingly they have close to identical Sd, Dynavox 35.21 vs Dayton 35.3 Sq. Cm.

One is called a 4" and the other 3.5" driver.

I want to make sure that using the original design, with the exception of moving the driver up the line, is the right plan, not the higher FS version that was posted in January...

The Qts of these drivers is only slightly different as well, which should be reflected in small difference in stuffing. As the old timers say "Stuff to taste"...

Reality check me here please...

Has anyone who's built this design used online Baffle Step calculators, or just used the one that was posted by Bjohannesen designed with the aid of the King worksheets?

I have everything for the build ( drivers, ply,terminals, stuffing, veneer, etc. ) save for the parts for the Baffle step. I can put the BSC circuit on a single pole double throw switch and switch the circuit in, and out, to give flexibility in placement, correct?

These are going to be my "winter project" for this year...
The BSC with parts values offered by Bjørn are probably good enough.

If you want it perfect, you'll have the measure the frequency response of each TABAQ build, and get XSim to find the perfect combination for your build and your room.

And unless you are realllllllly slow, you might want to consider another winter project, as a TABAQ gets put together quite fast. :)
Hey Bjørn,

Enjoy your vacation! I had a thought about updates on this thread. As someone who has now built a pair of these great speakers I had to read through many pages of posts to get the latest updates and tips. Perhaps you could edit the very first post on the thread to include an 'updates' paragraph with the latest dimensions for use with 3" and 4" drivers, and any updated attachments. This would make it easier for novices (like myself) to get the most accurate measurements and latest build advice.

Cheers, Rob
Perhaps you could edit the very first post on the thread to include an 'updates' paragraph with the latest dimensions for use with 3" and 4" drivers, and any updated attachments. This would make it easier for novices (like myself) to get the most accurate measurements and latest build advice.

+1 Good Idea.

I have spent many hours on this thread, and I guess the beauty of the TABAQ enclosures are that they work so well for so many drivers. But is is also confusing for a novice like me. What would the current 3" and 4" go to drivers be for the Tabaq?