The BA-3 as preamp build guide


Joined 2016
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...What are you aiming for as 100%? ...


Aiming for 1volt as in the build guide. Is it safe to increase bias?

Now my BA3 is up to 1V bias. Output 2V from 1V sine wave. I use original schematic except for P1 and P2, they are 1k. Shouldn’t output be 3V? Without tinkering with P3 I have THD% 0,4. It sounds detailed and controlled but there is some something missing. I can only describe it as ”it’s not B1K”. Do I miss some 2H? Du anyone have suggestions how to tweak BA3 to a friendly tone?
How much 2H is reasonable? The big >3H, are the only in my not so sophisticated oscilloscope?

Volume pot before or after is next on the test list.


  • ba3_sine_1k_1v_thd.png
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  • ba3_sine_1k_1v.png
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  • ba3_square_1k_1v.png
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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show me schm your'e using and write what differences in parts are exactly

edit: in fact , there is no need

increase gain simply increasing value of final I/V resistor

you can't change THD Spectra without trying with P3 , and you must do that , to find setting you prefer sonically

if B1 is positive reference to you, you need to find setting with 2nd harmonic dominant and lesser THD overall
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Joined 2019
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Joined 2010
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20VAC will rectify into 28VDC, minus 1.4 from the diodes, giving 26.6VDC. This leaves more than a volt and a half for the regulators (which they need) and would work fine and nothing gets hot because there's not a bunch of voltage to throw away.

And anymore everybody's line voltage is higher than normal, which will give a little extra voltage off the transformer.

The AS-0524 would work nicely as well.
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