The Boominator - another stab at the ultimate party machine

You mean like this? :)

-3 to 6S config
-15A max current output
-Cell balancing
-Onboard state of charge indicator

However, this board is even more 'in development', so it might take a while.

Yes Lutkeveld, I was wondering what happened to the 6s LiPo pack with BMS build, certainly interested in that for a power source for some flavor of Class D amp in a Mini-Boominator. Please keep us posted on your development and if you decide to do a GB. Much appreciated.
I need new battery for my Signatur, i had a 24V 20A LiFePo4 pouch cell battery that burnt.
I have searched after new with no luck. Considering solder one my self if no one have a better idea?
I regret i didnt make my boominator whit docking for power tool battery, it would have made it easy to swap and charge.
How did you managed to burn down your LiFePo4?

I don't know about Saxomann, but I smoked a LiPo battery pack by inadvertently poking a drill bit ever so slightly into it, shorting the BMS! It started spewing black smoke for a few minutes and left a nasty black film all over my workbench and tools. Moral of the story: don't puncture a LiPo battery pack or you'll make an ugly mess. I was just glad it didn't explode :p
I'm building a half boominator with the HP-10W and Monacor MPT-001 Piezo.
I use the 2 x 100 Watt Class D Audio Amplifier Board - T-AMP and my power source will be two or three power banks in serie. So I have 10V or 15V.
I found this filter schematic.

Anyone who can help me change the filter design so it works with separated channels, i.e. not paralleled as the one Saturnus posted and with the Monacor MPT-001 Piezo?

Thanks in advance!


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Joined 2017
I'm building a half boominator with the HP-10W and Monacor MPT-001 Piezo.
I use the 2 x 100 Watt Class D Audio Amplifier Board - T-AMP and my power source will be two or three power banks in serie. So I have 10V or 15V.
I found this filter schematic.

Anyone who can help me change the filter design so it works with separated channels, i.e. not paralleled as the one Saturnus posted and with the Monacor MPT-001 Piezo?

Thanks in advance!

I don't think you need filters for Monacor MPT 001?

Hello! My boominator sounds quite good for 90% of songs. Occasionally the bass on some makes it sounds like the speakers are completely blown out. Any suggestions on diagnosing the issue? MPT-001s & HP-10Ws...

I think you might need more power, if you'd run 24v with a 24v amp it would probably disappear, mine is the same, with iphones i can't play full volume on bass songs
New to posting here... I agree, we live in a world where instant gratification dominates. I have always wanted to build a boominator - even a mini. I have a festival coming up in 2 weeks and was wondering, do you think I have enough time to build one? Is there a build that you can recommend? I don't have time to read through all 665 pages. Sorry in advance for sounding lazy. I'm a dad, full time job - the usual BS - no time. Thanks
Come on guys, if you want to, you can build a boominator until weekend after next:

Wednesday - Buy Wood in correct dimensions
Thursday - saw holes in wood, glue a bit
Friday - glue more
Saturday - finish enclosure
Sunday - Zoo with the kid, answer emails in the evening
Monday - Mount Speakers, glue a bit
Tuesday - Glue shut, prepare electronics
Wednesday - finish electronics, maybe slap a coat of paint on for protection
Thursday - Bug-Fixing
Friday - Festival time

Even got a day at the zoo in there!
Well ... yeah ... like I said, this all doesn't work without the parts. Won't have the best finish either. But I for my part spend way too long on the finish usually. A tight schedule takes care of that.

Anyway, either he's in the shop right now or he scratched the project for now, I'm curious :D
Making one meself

So a few years ago i found the boominator, and kinda wanted to build one.
i decided not to do it, since i did not really have a reason for it.
Now my life changed, and i kinda think having one would be awesome!
The post is quite old now, and i were wondering, if any new drivers or amp would be a better fit for it as of 2018!

Though in 600+ pages it quite a task to hunt any improved parts!
Are there some itemlist for new stuff with all the resistors and such calculated?
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Joined 2017
So a few years ago i found the boominator, and kinda wanted to build one.
i decided not to do it, since i did not really have a reason for it.
Now my life changed, and i kinda think having one would be awesome!
The post is quite old now, and i were wondering, if any new drivers or amp would be a better fit for it as of 2018!

Though in 600+ pages it quite a task to hunt any improved parts!
Are there some itemlist for new stuff with all the resistors and such calculated?

Built mine last year with HP-10's and 4 Piezo MPT-001 and the Maxamp20.