The "Elsinore Project" Thread

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Measuring like a pro why not get Clio pocket Clio Overview
All in one solution

Because it’s 670 Euro to 2500 Euro vs $200 for the amateur version that will let you do everything you need to design a decent crossover.

You don’t need an anechoic chamber or 30ft lift or a $1000 Earthworks mic. These are all myths deployed by people wishing to make it sound like home measurements are beyond mere mortals.

Do you think Jeff Bagley uses an anechoic chamber?
Rent a 32 foot scissor lift, go out to a bif parking lot really early on a Sunday, and put the whole measuring kit on the lift and do your measurement 30 some feet in the air.

Sounds like a cool weekend project! Make sure to take some photos to share the fun with us!

Toole does say that to really accurate anechoic measurements you need such an anechoic environment.

You don’t need an anechoic chamber or 30ft lift or a $1000 Earthworks mic. These are all myths deployed by people wishing to make it sound like home measurements are beyond mere mortals.

Do you think Jeff Bagley uses an anechoic chamber?

Floyd Toole, Jeff Bagby, Joe d'Appolito, Clio, Earthworks, whatnot. Come on! It's not about names, myths, or wishes.

It's about the physics! If you need anechoic data with an FFT resolution of 50 Hz, the lift or an anechoic chamber are necessary (this also applies to Toole, Bagby, d'Appolito, and everyone else). Just go through the examples in post #2676 and you'll understand why. A simple computer with a soundcard, a $50 measurement microphone and some free software will work perfectly fine to get the data.
diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
Paid Member
No. Joe says that combining a far field and a near field shot resolves the baffle step and accounts for room power etc.

However, the source shape varies with frequency making the above an over-simpification at best. No single measurement will account for this. A strategy will need to be devised for achieving adequate data.
combining a far field and a near field shot resolves the baffle step and accounts for room power etc.

You can't do both with the same measurement.

If you want to see the baffle step, you need an anechoic far-field measurement. You can't do that in a normal "home environment" room.

If you want to learn how the speaker works in a specific listening room, you need to include this listening room in the measurement. For example, an in-room RTA measurement is useful for this. However, such an echoic in-room measurement is not useful to study the baffle step and other low-frequency features of the speaker itself.
You can't do both with the same measurement.

If you want to see the baffle step, you need an anechoic far-field measurement. You can't do that in a normal "home environment" room.

If you want to learn how the speaker works in a specific listening room, you need to include this listening room in the measurement. For example, an in-room RTA measurement is useful for this. However, such an echoic in-room measurement is not useful to study the baffle step and other low-frequency features of the speaker itself.

Interesting then by your logic Klaus the former owner of Adam Audio and now owner of HEDD loudspeakers must be designing faulty loudspeakers the world over a scandal of VW proportion . Note in this interview with Klaus by John Darko where he talks about measuring loudspeakers worth watching the whole 14 minutes
Of course I would like to use Cabasse Anechoic test facility but new software and measuring such as Clio allow us to achieve truly excellent results. Then account for breakthroughs such as Dirac Live and DEQX and ?
Ah, the Hamlets. It seems to be ever-looming issue and every time I see myself getting a break in time, then something happens and I admit it looks like I have been guilty of broken promises, so that bothers my conscience. The MFC driver change has not helped, because I now need to change the drivers I have here in the Hamlet boxes (they are NRXC Mk1) to MFC, actually buy some in - and to get a good price I have to buy 10, but in reality I have to buy 12, so that at least I have a set of 8 for Elsinore use.

Scott, may I say two things, I shall try to get onto this in January and also, prod me hard but kindly about it over the next few months, so that in that time we shall be doing it.

Cheers, Joe

Very interested in hearing any updates regarding the Hamlet. :)
Well, its beginning. With help from several members I've sourced the drivers, wave guides, crossover components and am plotting my cabinet cuts. My crossovers are being assembled by a talented speaker designer who is very generous with his time (I know...I wimped out on this part but this way it will be done right.). It will probably be a slow build as I've started a couple speaker projects for two of my boys. First DIY for them...should be interesting. I'll try to add pics along the way as progress unfolds.
Crossover parts

Hi, I decided to build the Elsinore's MFC version. Since I am still new to all this DIY audio stuff I would just like to know if my crossover components selection in attached image are OK. thx

I have been working on the Joe project in my free time since the beginning of January. Waveguide reached Poland very quickly. I know that my friend is also waiting for them, which means that a second set of Elsinore v.6 is being created in parallel.

Meanwhile, I'm getting closer to gluing the box. Greetings to all builders and those already enjoying the ready speakers.


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