The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

Here's the link I mentioned. Nice and simple and easily changed to your specific needs:


In your case you might want to try and find where the reflections originate from along that wall. I'd use a temp damping setup ( a folded blanket or some other absorbing material) and see in the separate left and right IR where to place such a diffuser while measuring a few points along the couch.
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That's coming... it's just really slow as everything is so busy this time of year... I've been waiting for a month for some stuff, but I know it will be worth it.

It's a Chinese new year thing. All jobs must be finished before the new year, or it will haunt you the whole upcoming year!

So, my project, which is so little compared to the other things they have going, has been relegated to the bottom of the pile.

I'm ok with that. I feel 2016 has been terrible for many, and I would be quite happy if my project were to start in 2017 instead!

To come back to the previous post, I had a small test with one W8-1772 in a ported box, and another on an OB mounted on top of the ported box. Guess where I got that idea?

It was special and gave me back some of the spatial cues I had with my previous line arrays. So, I'm doing a stereo setup. Sounds nice, but there's something different I have trouble to pinpoint. It's a bit weird, it's got more spatial clues, more ambience, more 3D like, but at the same time, it is more accurately centered...

I need to make some measurements.... but it's 11h30 pm here... not the perfect time to run some sweeps!
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The ceiling dispersion will be hard to get approved by my significant other!

Here's what I'm playing with... but measurements will have to wait one more day.

It's warm and sunny today, so we are running to the beach right after I write this post. Winter is coming, so we have to enjoy it! It was 15C and rainy all week... believe me, when you're used to 38C most of the year, 15C feels really cold! Especially since houses here do not have insulation nor heaters. A cement house gets cold inside very quickly!


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A mega Brio Trio, fun! Hope you have/had fun at the beach! :)

Yes, a mega Brio Trio! I like the sound. It's spatial and focused at the same time. Plus having two 95dB drivers each side makes for a seriously sensitive setup!

Gorgeous day was had! All sun burnt and tired. Since most like pictures around here, here's one of the beach when we arrived this morning. There was already one longboarder in the water.


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I could probably do that, but using foam boards and glued on pieces, to keep the panel light and easy to move around. A plywood one would be a pain!

I had planned to do some measurements today, but the neighbor decided otherwise. He's got a crew of working banging and a table saw right outside. Too noisy for measurements.
I found Rockwool here. I already made a few panels for another room, I'll borrow one or two and hang them at different places to see if it helps.

I really like the pretty graphics in APL TDA, but at $320, it's a little expensive for eye candy.
The blue foam boards I used for the W8 and TC9 Brios was a new find... only discovered those available here last October... I've been looking for that for 5 years! It was just in time so I could build a lightweight version of a coffin for our Halloween Haunted House!

Looks like measurements will have to wait until Wednesday.
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I'm guessing this isn't what you would want to (or be able to) do, but If you were to place the speakers on stands, pull them out at least 3 ft. from the wall and lose the coffee table, you might also lose the motivation to do treatments. This would help to get your "reflection floor" closer to -20db or so (impulse response in db) while moving the front reflection further out in time where it can more easily be ignored. Just thinking out loud...
If only...

There's is a reflection off the "coffee" table, but it is second to the reflection I get from the back wall.

Lately, I've been moving the speakers off the wall and a little closer together, about 4 feet off the back wall. It sounds nice.

But, it's only for occasional listening, most of the time, they have to be back on the shelf closer to the wall.

As for the "coffee" table.... it's not going anywhere soon.... It's a solid piece of camphor wood. That thing is as heavy as it is expensive! It was given to us by father-in-law. He used to make tables and vases from camphor wood. We have another gigantic piece of wood in front of the main door to the house, as a Feng Shui thing.


Like I said, this room is a disaster for audio duties, but it is what I have.

The directivity of the twin towers would help to lessen the floor and ceiling bounce, but maybe I can harness all those bounces and reflections to give a lively representation of the music... That's the purpose of the open back extra speaker I have at the moment.... maybe...


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