The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

No more takers? Here I was thinking that everyone would have had similar experiences... could relate if I talked about this happening to me...

How many of you have cried, not from pain or grief, just pure emotion when listening to music? That has to be more common as I've witnessed quite a few people having that reaction listening here to their own favorite musical choices. (including me, more than once)

I don't think it matters what reaction we get, it's the deep emotional connection/reaction to music as a medium that triggers the crazy journey towards enjoyable sound for me.

Working like a time machine in more than one account. It can take you back to prior experiences but it's also much like experiencing a frozen 'piece of time'.
I’m definitely one of them! Sometimes listening to music is like a journey through emotions. Cry, chills, joy, hope. The music can triggar all sorts of strong emotions for me.

By the way - placed an order for 70 Tc9FD yesterday! ��

:) May I suggest a build thread? We're here to help!

I get chills & goose bumps for sure :D

Has it happened with the new arrays? :)

Been hoooked on this thread for days! Wow oh my! The amount of stuff I learned is like a massive breakthrough in here

Thanks for building that so you can write about it gee whiz what a project!

Thanks Oabeieo, glad you got something out of it!
Now that we lately have kind of gone audio phile crazy, well still based a bit on science but not using scales on instrument plotted to graphs but real humans to bench the race for more tears the better, then have a couple of tweaks you should try for Xonar ST.

Tweak one is based come to think of i sent you a used ST card back in july 2016 where there was a antistatic plastic bag containing exactly below three opams for rolling test, look in your drawers somewhere : ) myself tryed roll two models of expensive MUSES opamps, then LM4562 in all three positions but tears was lacking then original NJM2114D for A/B positions and LM4562 at C position was better, then rolled one from plastic bag into C position and wau my glasses misted, using same in all positions of A/B/C fuses in my osciliscope blew up because tears jumped down on it, good tweak : ) afterwards rolled the nine ones on daughterboard for the other six channels. Remember worst thing was my mind had a hard time accept the race because it believed the expensive MUSES was probaly best or looking speed in datasheet for LM4562 looked to die for but scientific research showed they didn't tap any water. They ordinary non expensive JRC/NJM4580 sourced at RS components to get the real stuff, hope koldby can agree they are a ordinary non transperant tap water or tears like signature :p if you find the time wesayso for rolling research try them hosed directly to Telos clone and via ATOM pre sprayer.


Second tweak to try is tap mains at ST cards HP out because its a lower 10Ω verse 100Ω for line out, but be carefull check for DC offset because that speedy monster of a TI composit CFA amp if remember correct is DC coupled as seen in below schematic, again if you find the time try tweak coupled directly to Telos clone and via ATOM pre.



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Nice find that's them, suggest use the roll guide if you have it at HD else lookup ASUS website for "Xonar Essence STX OPamp swapping instruction" because it explain which positions is current to voltage converters and differential to single ended output buffer and the direction marks on socket that shall allign direction mark on chip. Operation is easy enough but can recommend take swapping bit serious and check two times those direction marks are lined up before remount the card.
Now that we lately have kind of gone audio phile crazy, well still based a bit on science but not using scales on instrument plotted to graphs but real humans to bench the race for more tears the better, then have a couple of tweaks you should try for Xonar ST.

Tweak one is based come to think of i sent you a used ST card back in july 2016 where there was a antistatic plastic bag containing exactly below three opams for rolling test, look in your drawers somewhere : ) myself tryed roll two models of expensive MUSES opamps, then LM4562 in all three positions but tears was lacking then original NJM2114D for A/B positions and LM4562 at C position was better, then rolled one from plastic bag into C position and wau my glasses misted, using same in all positions of A/B/C fuses in my osciliscope blew up because tears jumped down on it, good tweak : ) afterwards rolled the nine ones on daughterboard for the other six channels. Remember worst thing was my mind had a hard time accept the race because it believed the expensive MUSES was probaly best or looking speed in datasheet for LM4562 looked to die for but scientific research showed they didn't tap any water. They ordinary non expensive JRC/NJM4580 sourced at RS components to get the real stuff, hope koldby can agree they are a ordinary non transperant tap water or tears like signature :p if you find the time wesayso for rolling research try them hosed directly to Telos clone and via ATOM pre sprayer.


Second tweak to try is tap mains at ST cards HP out because its a lower 10Ω verse 100Ω for line out, but be carefull check for DC offset because that speedy monster of a TI composit CFA amp if remember correct is DC coupled as seen in below schematic, again if you find the time try tweak coupled directly to Telos clone and via ATOM pre.


Quite amazing, but as they say in Germany:
Man soll sich nie verblüffen lassen..

If that's what you heard, that's how it was!
You were certainly correct to do a blind test. Any engineer reading the data sheets for those two output devices couldn't help but believe they sound much better than commodity op amps or even high performance versions of them. They are so much better specified, many more charts to look at. The distortion characteristics are orders of magnitude better. and only a couple of bucks each! vs nickels and dimes for the commodity chips
No that was stock and really never touched or used more than say half a year or so, so predict it be a very good sparepart to have in reserve.

EDIT the one i rolled and sit here enjoy was STX II that relaesed the failed PCIe version of ST, STX II looks be a clone of ST even its daughter board have exactly same SKU number.
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I can confirm it worked as expected. It has served one of my clients at work very well for over a year and a half. I took it out when a new youngster was experimenting with it a little too much :D. I had a set of monitor speakers there as well, but a few months ago they popped in the tweeters, twice actually after restoring them with a vacuum cleaner. I've since moved to a different location and only the monitor speakers are still at work.
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No that was stock and really never touched or used more than say half a year or so, so predict it be a very good sparepart to have in reserve.

EDIT the one i rolled and sit here enjoy was STX II that released the failed PCIe version of ST, STX II looks be a clone of ST even its daughter board have exactly same SKU number.

That makes sense. Before buying the ST, the (first PCIE) STX was out there already but the ST had better specs. So I got the ST instead, meaning I had to source a PC with a PCI slot to fit it when upgrading. Most Pro workstations still have it though.

I don't think I can use the headphone out, as when the driver functions as it should I have either headphone out or 8 channels to play with.
I can confirm it worked as expected. It has served one of my clients at work very well for over a year and a half. I took it out when a new youngster was experimenting with it a little too much :D. I had a set of monitor speakers there as well, but a few months ago they popped in the tweeters, twice actually after restoring them with a vacuum cleaner. I've since moved to a different location and only the monitor speakers are still at work.

Bit sad story, looks it has to be at least a very clean industrial design and perfect if it also include a Apple logo or is expensive before our toys is respected by youngsters :)

That makes sense. Before buying the ST, the (first PCIE) STX was out there already but the ST had better specs. So I got the ST instead, meaning I had to source a PC with a PCI slot to fit it when upgrading. Most Pro workstations still have it though.

I don't think I can use the headphone out, as when the driver functions as it should I have either headphone out or 8 channels to play with.

Oh think you right there HP out switch some relays also on daughter board, think there could be one little chance where it don't say if its set to low gain/impedance HP use, and if that works cable we soldered at meeting for HP-1 should it still exsist would work and long enough to reach ATOM inside workstation room.

Cant know how JRC4580 rolling works for you other than learn signatures but as with HP-1/Atom tests one can never know and Jack was positive of datasheet coverage thanks, happy rolling

I got ST II because that dedicated PC for multichannel do nothing other duty than be JRiver DSP so couldn't resist tweak close as possible physical lanes direct to CPU using GPU slot and hyperthreading is disabled, same as each time i start this dayly workhorse PC where JRiver is used as player routed analog to multichannel PC i manual configure JRiver via task manager to use only real physical cores, tweak squize the the analog sound stage feel from using 2 channel 1,5 inch master tapes to 2 incher, sighted tests of course :D.
Cant know how JRC4580 rolling works for you other than learn signatures but as with HP-1/Atom tests one can never know and Jack was positive of datasheet coverage thanks, happy rolling

No rolling for the time being. I want to stick to changing one thing at a time. So first next change is going to be a (known to us) Fetzilla as an ambient amp.

Next up I will run a comparison of the M1 DAC and Atom vs Xonar and Atom.

I briefly ran the Xonar with SOX upsampling, until I heard some strange artifacts from that. One song had some hick-ups (Lullaby, that bass heavy song by A Perfect Circle, first time I got to play that without getting the idea something blew up though).
The Xonar only supports 44100, 48000 96000 and 192000. I was running 44100 to 96000 upsampling using SOX (real time in JRiver).

After that, if I find a winning combination, I'll probably move on to redo the DSP. Then, and only then I will make up my mind on opamp rolling, if the Xonar was the clear winner.