The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

On a different note, all audio equipment is gone from the living room awaiting some remodeling/renovation. So I'll be without it for a while :(.
But, this gave me the courage to operate the arrays to incorporate the frequency dependent shading, so every negative has a positive side?

Last weekend we had a run of movies, knowing the equipment would be gone soon.
If things get any better I'll be in heaven :).
To come back to the vertical "beaming" of an array (see a few posts up) the following post will bring it nicely into perspective, look at a few quick sims of a Harsch type crossover and a three-way here:

I have to agree with the comment in that thread about "vertical polars being a a little lopsided". Yes, the vertical response of our arrays is not as uniform as we would like - standing isn't near as good as seated height with most setups - but its better than any other architecture I've looked at other than Synergy.

Her, BTW, is what I came up with for polars of a TC9 Tekton array with a central generic 3/4" tweeter


Horizontally, the array's response is narrow and gets broadened by the central tweeter above XO at 8 khz. Its also narrow vertically but at least its not lopsided :)


  • Tekton tc9 central tweeter polars.jpg
    Tekton tc9 central tweeter polars.jpg
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I know. I was lazy and used a tweeter I already had directivity for. Given the way the polars are synthesized, after vituix mirror equalization, all drivers with the same piston diameter will have the same polars. that is why I called it generic tweeter.

If I could trace the graph in the linked tweeter, I could have real directivity but that graph looked to dim to me for tracing. I would certainly use that tweeter if my goal was passive XO because its response is so smooth and flat on its own.
I have to agree with the comment in that thread about "vertical polars being a a little lopsided". Yes, the vertical response of our arrays is not as uniform as we would like - standing isn't near as good as seated height with most setups - but its better than any other architecture I've looked at other than Synergy.

Her, BTW, is what I came up with for polars of a TC9 Tekton array with a central generic 3/4" tweeter

Horizontally, the array's response is narrow and gets broadened by the central tweeter above XO at 8 khz. Its also narrow vertically but at least its not lopsided :)
Is this a group of tweeters only? In a "Tekton like" grouping? The bottom end doesn't look like array directivity...
that was the standard tekton array of columns of 2:3:2 devices, In this case, all TC9sexcept for the central tweeter all at 84 mm spacing


room response curve is just wall reflections. there aren't any above 1 khz due to the directivity and 45 degree toe in.

Its not line array directivity at the low end, the array isn't long enough. You could make it longer and extend the vertical control lower ...


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    tc9 oc25 tekton screenshot.jpg
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We are finally getting rid of that awful metal ceiling :). Once this is all done I'll 'operate' on the arrays to include frequency dependent shading.
After that is done I'll start with building my 6 channel pré-amp. It will take me quite a while before its all finished. No telling what the outcome will be. :) With this many changes I'll have to start all over again.

There's more to come, the windows will be replaced with glass having better insulation properties, making the space more quiet. Good for comfort and good for audio :D.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Windows change will be a great change for sure.
The real BIG difference i regret from big studio's control room acoustic to my domestic room is the noise floor.
Despite living in countryside.
Having 30db and lower background noise is very interesting feature: it increase the 'DDR' ( following Allen Wright's philosophy) a tremendous way.

It 'll be a lot of work to 'do it again' once change done but you now must have a kind of 'routine' about it, no? :D
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Joined 2019
Paid Member
And worry about getting yet another amp to power that :D....

The madness never ends...

In all fairness, I don't yet see what I want to see in Stereophile's test of a Tekton. As said, I'll probably sim it at some point in the future. No hurry, but interesting nonetheless.

I've followed this thread in awe (as someone that knows little to nothing about loudspeakers).

I happen to own a set of the speakers pictured, and I got REW + the mic to try my hand at room correction. If I could be of any use whatsoever to try and measure anything from the speakers, I'd be more than happy to try.

Edited to add - I couldn't find anything from any reputable source re: the phase / load vs. frequency of the speakers from any published mag either. I wanted to see "how difficult a load" they actually are. Eric (from Tekton) has not provided them upon request, but he's also a pretty busy guy.
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Hello !

I have buildt a 2 x 25 pieces line source with the Tc 9FD 18-08 element.
I am playing with it and are pleaced with its performing so far. It is still in my smalwork room, and the sideplate is hold in place with fastening tools.

I wandering if some have tryed to have bitumen on the back side of the elements, or have any knowledge of what the effekt of it might be ?

The bitumen I have cut up, have glue on it, but to be sertain that they stikk for several years I have drilled 4 houls to fill with Tec-7.




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