The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

Thank you gentlemen.

I did run a few impedance tests on the top 5 drivers (where one is broken). They were different enough (it contained my old spare) that I'm choosing to replace the top 5 drivers.
The new batch all measure alike, at least close enough to find 5 very similar measuring drivers after testing 6 of them.

Slowly but surely I'll replace them as my energy allows. Getting back on my feet is priority number one.


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Thank you gentlemen.

I did run a few impedance tests on the top 5 drivers (where one is broken). They were different enough (it contained my old spare) that I'm choosing to replace the top 5 drivers.
The new batch all measure alike, at least close enough to find 5 very similar measuring drivers after testing 6 of them.

Slowly but surely I'll replace them as my energy allows. Getting back on my feet is priority number one.

No, we didn't mean the speakers, we ment take care of yourself! :)

I had just read bushmeister's new thread :).

It sure is interesting, it always is to learn what and especially why something like this had such an impact. Bushmeister's 'recent' low diffraction setup already beat his Synergy horns, now this baffleless OB beats that reference system.

We'd still have to guess a little about the reasons why. He's certainly not the first to "fall for" open baffle systems.

In all honesty, it makes me wonder how the Synergies would do/fair with additional ambience speakers thrown in. I guess nc535 could come up with a partial answer to that question if he builds and examins his next system. (at least it would be a controlled beam horn system, not quite a Synergy with plans for additional ambience speakers)

So many roads seem to (be able to) lead to Audio bliss... :D

I still believe the whole package is what matters. The room playing as large a role as the speakers. Meaning one has to complement the other to get to the good parts.
You can't just put up a pair of arrays and be done. Or horns or direct radiators... One would think it's possible if one reads a bit too much on ASR these days. Just buy some Genelec and be done ;).
Its clear to me that highly controlled directivity alone won't do it. The ambience speakers and the delayed reflections (and reverb?) they supply are necessary. I think cardioid might be better than OB in minimizing too-early reflections so I am hopeful.

One question I have is just what make's Bushm's system so good. Is it how it interacts with his room or the planar tweeters. Pulling the OB's out into the room may make their rear radiation work just like ambience speakers. You just need a room big enough for that trick to work; else relay on DSP delay and a non-localizable source.
Oh, how boring that would be! ha ha!

If it truly were the answer.... then it would be alright. But I don't think it is.

Somehow I don't believe that a set of Genelecs, even with accompanying subwoofers would be a match to (or be able to surpass) say, the upcoming Danley home speaker.

No matter what the measurements predict with a good DI curve etc....

The ease of producing the sounds, the available headroom, I think there's a lot to say about that.

Not that the DI curve isn't important, just that it doesn't hold/cover all the important answers. That said, all the latest tweaks I did to the arrays did improve the DI curve ;).
But I'm using it in a different manner, with damping/absorbing panels, which is why I need to have the ambience added afterwards.
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Much harder than I imagined...

Nothing useful to tell on the audio front. I'll be visiting the hospital next week to let them take care of some left over damage. That will most probably restart my recovery somewhat.

So today it's just listening to a mono array with one subwoofer + ambiance. It sounds pretty good though, I'm enjoying it very much so far. Rediscovering some songs I used to listen to quite often etc.

What I'm hearing makes me pretty confident the filters are going to work out and are here to stay. I still can't figure out what happened with the broken drivers on the other array. It might be related to my health situation at the time? ;) A little carelessness on my part (without noticing)?

As with everything, I'll take my time to get back on my feet. ;)
But I'll be back! :)
Speaker news again :).

Had my last procedure early morning last Tuesday and I am recovering well. So well, actually that I decided to mount some drivers on the baffle. I got them all hooked up and what do you know....

Again the impedance showed a one group failure. The average low impedance hoovered around 8 ohm instead of 6.something... I figured I must have messed up wiring them all up again, nope... quick group tests showed yet another driver failure in a previously untouched (and fully functional) group.

Decided to call it a day and pick it up where I left off the next day. So today I replaced the faulty driver and ran 33 impedance tests :p.
One single run and 2x 8 sweep runs, just to be sure.


Here it is, compared to the closed up right impedance. So that's 3 different tests (with 33 sweeps in total) compared to the closed right and closed right with compensation network.

Enough for this day, I'll call it a bingo and will try not to worry or guess why I lost another driver yesterday :confused:. (that's 3 in total)



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