The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Joined 2006
Paid Member
Hi Merlin

Soundwise Obbligatos work very well in the zobel but I could not implement them successfully due to their big size. (In my build I got hum probably due to the big loop area created)

Apart from the hum, v12ff is much more detailed than v12 with EL in the output !!!

IMO the lower the output cap and the lower the resistor, the faster it gets !

I am very happy with 0.5r + 4.7u (small MKP from Mundorf)

I can not imagine why you should not get this incredible results yourself....

I wish I could convince you to try it again ! After the wonderfull job you have done with Salas riaa I believe it would be a total blast :)

positive and negative regulator at 60v out

Here are my schematics for a positive and a negative regulator for 60volts out about 100ma load. They simulate corectly, are they correct?




  • Salas_v1.2_pos.png
    39.1 KB · Views: 478
  • Salas_v1.2_neg.png
    38.3 KB · Views: 457

Did the simulator indicate any difference in regulator performance when the cable inductances were added/subtracted?

I see you have +ve out and -ve out in the two diagrams.
You have omitted Zero Volts out in both diagrams.
The zero Volts is NOT at the ground symbol.

The junction of L12 to L13 is outposZeroVolts.
decreasing the wire diameter increases the gap between the wire and the return route.
That increased gap increases the inductance and decreases the capacitance.

Hi Andrew

By gap do you mean the separation between (+) and (-) wires ?
yes, the width of the space between the wires=gap

Look at speaker cables as an example.
They are made big so you can easily see the different constructions and physical layout.

stranded wire, few cores, insulated and then parallel pair, or twisted pair or spaced apart pair.
fine stranded wire, many cores, insulated, then the three choices, parallel, twisted, big gap.

Now add in the odd balls, coaxial and plaited.

These all have a different physical/geometric shape.
They all have a different combination of capacitance and inductance.
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