The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Its the Vgs barrier of the output Mosfet and the Vbe additions of the mirror transistors. When running a high power Mosfet at 200-300mA its Vgs is sleeping enough and it can get you near 5V when compromising the mirror for voltage, that is why I recommended 7V floor, to have room. With low Vgs TTL Mosfets things change for margins.
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Its the Vgs barrier of the output Mosfet and the Vbe additions of the mirror transistors. When running a high power Mosfet at 200-300mA its Vgs is sleeping enough and it can get you near 5V when compromising the mirror for voltage, that is why I recommended 7V floor, to have room. With low Vgs TTL Mosfets things change for margins.

Ok.. it needs a 7 V floor... I use 10v floor... but it can work outputting 5v, you just need to input 5 + 7 = 12v to have enough headroom right ?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Vin-Vo is another story than VoMin, follow the normal practice with such regs. No less than 5V Vin-Vo not to goof up the CCS, 10V projecting for good measure against Tx & mains tolerance. Although you may find that this class of regs can regulate very near to Vin=Vo (one Vbe dif) the CCS will lose steam.
P.S. Kazuo-san may post to discuss it & clear the assumptions?
The Sabre DAC seems to be working well for me. But I have only poor oscilloscope. It is possible that I can not observe osc.

When I move the position of the reg. board, it may sometimes oscillate obviously.

Honestly saying, I have no confidence the value of Zobel. I would like to wait for diyer's suggestions.

Attaching is the latest version.


  • Salas Reflektor(+3.3V)6th.png
    Salas Reflektor(+3.3V)6th.png
    30.3 KB · Views: 584
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