The Singing Bush

Pa did use xformer in all mosfet iteration to introduce Schade feedback to lower mosfet, thus transforming it in triode like gain device

handy , so Greedy Boyz are able to make an amp with 20-30$ gain device, plus same costing xformer, having pretty close performance as part mostly unavailable

besides reading enclosed article, re-watching Papa's lecture could help you to understand it fully

so, we can still choose - to use available Toking elevator thingies and comply to lesser performance than with real deal nowhere to find, or to use approx same costing {mosfet+xformer} combo, still having lesser performance than with real deal nowhere to find, but with different flavor


why use a LU1014 or SIT if you can do it with an IRFP140 and resistors?
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Hey Mr. Zen Mod, did you receive my latest email?


Certainly I did, but you see that I'm lately as Hansel and Gretel and Pinnocchio, all of them together in Neverland, having fun

besides being buried in correspndence ansd slowly decreasing pile

expect my proper reply this weekend

That "Geezer from Kelso" has not penetrated anything ... my memory fails me for how long :(

Even the river has been undisturbed by my penetrating salmon fly for at least 2 years!!!



everything is better with time
only gassy toobz are not

Joined 2010
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ZM and pinnocchio,

I thank you both very much for giving me this opportunity to explore the world of SIT's. I recently purchased a pair of roughly matched 2sk180 from watanabe. I have a lot of reading and understanding ahead of me before I will be building anything with the SIT's. I have 2 class AB amps nearing completion, and another 3 amps in the cue for working over the summer and fall. Then I hope to be able to start on the SBush.

ZM, one quick question: Is the 2sk180 a suitable SIT for the SBush, or would it be better used in another existing design or future design. If so, I would pick up a pair of THF51's while they are available to use with SBush.

Thanks for the help and the Kit A+B option. When my diyAudio donation time is due, I will be giving a little extra.

Official Court Jester
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I think THF51 is slightly better option than 2SK180 for SB - but best to see by your self in beginning of thread , THD Spectra graphs are pretty much clear enough ..... easy to compare them

2SK180 is maybe better to save for source follower duty (several options Greedy Boyz already made, maybe Papa's upcoming amp) , or - even better - DEF arrangement

that would be lhquam's big amp, SissySIT and most likely another upcoming amp from me
Official Court Jester
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after year and half and more of knowing exactly how I'm going to do it (lying , this is just one of possible scenarios), finally made some steps in actually doing it

mockup for my monoblocks

no reason to not finish them in a month or two, besides all other things I'm working on

I don't really need them (50W of SE power), but I ought to make them as Kudos to Torturer of mine


hope to continue after with smaller Kudos amps ...... :clown:

last pic about these


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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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400-500VA Donut, caps are peanuts weight, 9mH5 choke , pcbs and parts peanuts weight, bolts and screws and Al plates ........

so metal should end about 20kg ?

planned 10-15mm thick hardwood sides, from back corners to end of heatsinks

should end in 25 or so kilos

so, in range of my SissySIT ....... but this one is going to be better

Sissy having 2x18W/25kg=1.44W/kg

This one approx 2W/kg

that's the Progress!
