The Well Tempered Master Clock - Building a low phase noise/jitter crystal oscillator

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Hello Andrea,

please be so kind to give me application advice.The FIFO + Masterclock combination looks similar to a reclocker to me which I employ in the form of a Mutec MC-3+. This unit has a 10 MHz Masterclock input (not a Wordclock input!). My questions:

- Is there a viable 10 MHz output option of the well tempered master clock? What would have to be done to produce a 10 MHz output quality comparable to the results in this thread?

- Would you even recommend to use this clock for the master clocking of other devices than DACs? ...e.g. for ADCs or reclocker with master Input?

Thanks and Regards,
At this moment a 10 MHz oscillator option is not available.

BTW is not a problem to get the DRIXO or the EXO oscillators to run 10 MHz, the real issue is the crystal since the manufacturer asks for a MOQ of 10 pcs.

The DRIXO and the EXO oscillators are state of the art devices, in the region of the best oscillators on the market, so you can use them as master clock for whatever application.
Thanks for the great clarification Andrea!

I do have an application using a TI PCM4222 ADC eval board. Sample rate is fixed at 24Bit/96kHz output. Which 24.576MHz oscillator type out of the list would be most appropriate or optimal here?

If more people were interested in building a 10MHz DRIXO or EXO Masterclock, maybe we can join and buy x-tals as a group...?

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks for the great clarification Andrea!

I do have an application using a TI PCM4222 ADC eval board. Sample rate is fixed at 24Bit/96kHz output. Which 24.576MHz oscillator type out of the list would be most appropriate or optimal here?

If more people were interested in building a 10MHz DRIXO or EXO Masterclock, maybe we can join and buy x-tals as a group...?

Thanks and Regards,

The most appropriate oscillators for 24.576 MHz are the TWTMC-DRIXO or the TWTMC-EXO.

About the 10 MHz oscillators if the MOQ of 10 pcs will be achieved there is not problem to arrange the group buy, although I believe for the next GB because this GB is closed.
Thanks for the great clarification Andrea!

I do have an application using a TI PCM4222 ADC eval board. Sample rate is fixed at 24Bit/96kHz output. Which 24.576MHz oscillator type out of the list would be most appropriate or optimal here?

If more people were interested in building a 10MHz DRIXO or EXO Masterclock, maybe we can join and buy x-tals as a group...?

Thanks and Regards,

I would be interested in 10 mhz..
would you care to share which DHT are you playing with ?. I am in search of a nice design for a 2A3 with an interstage transformer. Any hints would be gladly welcomed


I have build an amp that is very flexible in use. I have had countless tubes and schematics build in this chassis.
When I had a 2 way speaker filtered at 200Hz it was equipped with 2 SE output stages using PX-25 and later AD-1 tubes including active filtering, interstage coupled to the driver tube.
Now I power a wideband open baffle speaker with a balanced AD-1 output stage. All stages are coupled with Tamura interstages.

You can PM me if you like more information.


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I should receive the semi-finished boards within the end of this month, the finished boards and the MC transformers within the first week of February.

But the longer lead time is for the crystals, the manufacturer has not yet told me the delivery date.

I believe I will start shipping in a month but only to those who have not ordered crystals.
Joined 2018
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I ordered the TWTMC-PPG in both 22 and 24mhz frequencies. I feel I may be better with 2 x 22. I won't ask to alter my order but are the rest of the components on these boards the same as each other, just the oscillator being different.? So I could swap in a 22mhz HC49?
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