The XSD Speaker

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Years ago I built a foamcore tractrix horn and put the PRV 5MR450NDY at the throat. I was doing the usual sweeps to measure response with a mic and REW. After I was done (and I typically do sweeps at 2vrms), I noticed my ears were ringing. It turns out the 10dB horn gain and 95dB native sensitivity hanged up to mean that the sweeps were 100dB+ but it didn’t “sound loud” because the driver was moving maybe 40um - so no distortion. I wear earplugs now when measuring horns.
Hello xrk971 I've read al the XSD speaker posts , congratulations for the project.
I've print years ago the Pass pages about slotted and I've recently foud the prints. I liked the project Linkwitz LX521 but is too expensive for me.
I find your idea brilliant. Do you think even if I'm not an electronic technician, can I try to make it?
I have a pair of old naim SBL speakers and would like to upgrade.

Founder of XSA-Labs
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Hi Fabio,
Thanks for the kind words. You don’t need any electronics expertise to build this, it is mostly woodworking and not that complicated. The crossover parts are from a kit (which has just ran out so I’ll need to do another group buy if more people are interested) and has a XO PCB offered by Bloqhed, so the task is to build the cabinet, install the drivers and connect wires.

The difficulty at this point is the midrange driver being out of stock. I am waiting for some cabinets to develop the crossover for an alternate midrange driver.
Faital Pro M5N8-80 is listed on USSpeaker for $24 less each than on PE or Amazon. PE shows not in stock.

B&C 6MD38 is $37 less than the lowest price I found the FP M5N8080 on several sites.

Of course price is not the most critical aspect to consider but nice if can save a bit and do the job needed but if one must spend more then worth it.

None of these are insanely expensive anyway. I have been pleasantly suprised by some rather low cost drivers, quite disapointed in some high priced ones and blown away but some that were crazy expensive but in the time I used them they were worth it, sold them soon after they did what I needed them to do.
thanks, I will try to build this project.
At the moment I wait for the new midrange, in italy is easy find B&C 6MD38 €90 and Faital M5N8-80 €128, Faital PRo FE300 € 90 .
The second step is buy woofers and build the cabinet. I don't know if I have lost the information, where can I find the info for the cabinet?

Founder of XSA-Labs
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Yes, interesting driver. It seems to have a significant bump at 1.5kHz and 4.5kHz which are very audible regions.

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Speaker voicing is kind of a black art, what looks good on paper can sound terrible in application. Of all the components in a hifi system from a pure engineering standpoint I see them as the most difficult. You can make there response flat and they sound dull. You make them sound pleasing at one spl and louder or softer their response changes. The human brain and ear is able to distinguish these things in a way no other instrument can, but it is a still very subjective. The only way to quantify this is to trust someones judgment and go with it, for me anyway.
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I’m interested in building these speakers, at some point. I dip back into this thread now and again, to see how things are progressing.

Frustrating with the PRV driver; I noticed I had an email from PRV yesterday saying it was back in stock. Check today, and it’s back out again. Whether that’s peeps here buying them up, idk, but it’s an unfortunate bottleneck.

Would there be any mileage, I wonder, in approaching PRV directly? Explaining their wonderful drivers are crucial for a cutting-edge (not untrue) speaker design that a bunch of geeks are desperate to crack on with? And is there any chance they could hold back x drivers when they’re next “in stock”?

In no hurry here to build these, though I do like to Easter-egg my future life with goodies. No idea where I’d put them, either (not really the point, but still). Just spitballing because I can see people are frustrated with it.

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Founder of XSA-Labs
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Yes, we have spoken to PRV directly and no luck. My bottle neck right now is getting a cabinet so that I can test out a replacement driver and Xo mods to move on from this. It’s just not viable to stick with the PRV. I used it because I had it thought it sounded great and had good luck with it in the past. But I am by no means married to it as the must have mid range.
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