Topping PA5 (TPA325X) : Is a modification worth it? ?

L'ampli a été ouvert, le dissipateur thermique retiré, la puce clairement identifiée par son marquage supérieur, enfouie profondément quelque part dans le fil ASR.

La puce qu'ils ont utilisée n'est pas l'élément clé, les détails de mise en œuvre le sont, et Topping n'utilise rien de ce que vous trouverez directement dans les fiches techniques et les notes d'application.
Eee, how do "we" know this?

Because things that measure well, USUALLY don't sound bad! And the inverse is also true. If it measures poorly, in all likelihood it will sound bad. No offense to all the tubes lovers here that want that warm (harmonic) tube vibe. And, in the end, mods can go sideways, and then you end up with one or more unintended negative consequence to your original mission. But hey, this is DIY after all. :) In many ways, some mods start to push the envelope of diminishing returns. And some reach the nuanced improvement level and expectation bias starts to set in. We WANT to hear a difference, therefore we will. Just say'n. :)

Edit. @TNT I was still composing when you posted. I agree with much of your post above.
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Not necessarily .... But it allows you to get an idea ...
Personally if it's a TPA 3255 chip ... I don't buy!
Hi mamocel, as you must know, I have a Sabaj A20a and I am completely satisfied with it, it is plugged into my secondary chain.

I think like you, if it is a TPA325x, I do not buy because even if the sound of the PA5 is good, I pass my turn on this chips.

I am also waiting for the subjective feelings of Daniboun, because he owns the A20a, he will be able to compare.