Topping PA5 (TPA325X) : Is a modification worth it? ?


Joined 2003
Paid Member
Hey, Dude - i think you should tune down your marketing here as you clearly are running a merchandise business. Or post in the Commercial sector when you feel a strong urge to hawk your own wares. If I recall correctly, its a forum rule actually...

[TNT;6872874 said:
Hey, Dude - i think you should tune down your marketing here as you clearly are running a merchandise business. Or post in the Commercial sector when you feel a strong urge to hawk your own wares. If I recall correctly, its a forum rule actually...


I’m not selling anything. You guys asked some questions so I answered. As I recall you asked:

“please say something more about your DACs...”
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Certainly not an educational forum. Over there they’re taught that you just need to know 1 number to know what’s best. Keep it simple, this way you attract simple minded people.

Though it may sound a bit harsh, I agree. I have a big problem with this single parameter comparative measure, at ASR. Trying to explain what I can but it does not help much. Those who know they know and do not need explanations. Those who have no background and are not willing to study and learn are lost cases. Unfortunately, as the internet has become accessible to very wide public, the latter group heavily prevails. It was a bit different, 20 years ago.
Amp has been opened, heatsink removed, chip clearly identified by its top marking, buried deep somewhere in the ASR thread.

The chip they used in not the key thing, the implementation details are, and Topping isn't using anything you'll find directly in the datasheets and application notes.