Ultimate Open Baffle Gallery

No, it doesn't equal a closed Box. It depends on the total internal volume of the box and the characteristics of the driver.

Best Regards,

IB is a term that is mostly used with subwoofers that have woofers in a slot or in-wall so that the backside is in another room, attick, cellar etc. The volume of the backchamber is usually large or infinite.

Infinite baffle means endless (infinite) plate/board on which the driver is mounted on.
Infinite box means so large box or open structure that no air compression or backwave happens.

Open baffle means that there is no box on the backside of the driver and the baffle has certain (finite) dimensions

An open baffle radiator gives dipole radiation pattern only up to certain frequency. The constructions in this thread are mostly based on a quite large and flat baffle that give dipole pattern up to some 500Hz when hanging in free-air. Placed on the floor even that is disturbed.

Look at Edge simulation of PSz's OB. Some challenges for lower bass and 600-2000Hz range...


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Spatial Audio X1

Not bad looking. Around $10k domestic and $12k outside of the US.
I wonder how waveguided compression driver which has open back will work in the room.
The appealing part is: "The entire spectrum above 300Hz is reproduced by a low distortion compression driver/waveguide assembly of the highest quality available.|


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lack of proper tools, I only have hand saw and hand drill but doing this slowly still i completed this 18mm plywood.

Alpair 10p on Open Baffle 50cm x 120cm, my plan is to put a pair of Eminence Beta 15" at the bottom.


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lack of proper tools, I only have hand saw and hand drill but doing this slowly still i completed this 18mm plywood.

Alpair 10p on Open Baffle 50cm x 120cm, my plan is to put a pair of Eminence Beta 15" at the bottom.
Good plan!

I did mine using double 21 mm plywood glued together. The size of the baffle is 48cm x 117cm and there's two Eminence Beta 15"s on the bottom and a visaton B200 for the band from 300 Hz upwards.
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OB in construccion







IMG_4207.jpg This is a part of the construction of a OB.
The panels are removable and in the middle is possible to chose between the MTM with Dynaudio D76/Esotar/D76 with the Lowther DX3. Or replace for a horn system with TAD. The crossovering is with nanoDigi.
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