Ultimate Open Baffle Gallery

Hello Xerxes,

I use the coax out of the RM765, named 16x01R with the original crossover and two Chassis named 300F05 for one baffle. The 300F05 are housed in an 200mm deep U Frame, goind down to 50Hz till they drop down with 6dB/Octave. The surprise for me is how dry the bass comes over, without room resonace. The next step is the fine tuning using a DSP.
The ongoing saga of my new open baffle woofer arrays plus diy planar magnetic towers has been moved to the planar and exotics forum. I thought I'd toss a photo in this thread as well since I drew so much inspiration from the projects that others have posted here.



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Happy New Year 2017

Keep posting your inspiring work. I helped me, and I am sure there are many of you there looking for a right solution for your taste.
I wish you all a lot of happyness and beautifull and good sounds!!
This is my solution from my humble appartment in Split, Croatia. Any of you traveling, passing by, you are all wellcome for a listening sesion!


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Rewind: I made ESLs for my previous project. I got tired of their humidity dependent performance (something I could have fixed in another design, no doubt). I also wanted something that I could make narrower, and that therefore required a bit more excursion. Of course in the end, I mostly wanted to see if I could make a decent planar magnetic speaker.

Fortunately I only have one wife and these speakers have sufficient acceptance factor for her!

Keep posting your inspiring work. I helped me, and I am sure there are many of you there looking for a right solution for your taste.
I wish you all a lot of happyness and beautifull and good sounds!!
This is my solution from my humble appartment in Split, Croatia. Any of you traveling, passing by, you are all wellcome for a listening sesion!

Thanks a lot Dundo.
A best for you.
First try on OB...

Hi all.....

As a fullrange user and partly builder of audio systems I have been interested in OB-builds for some time, and took the chance 1 month ago to get me some Betsy 8 inch drivers to try out.
And the result is amazing - clear and enveloping sound that is more musical than my BR Alpair12P. The Alpairs is more HiFi with a clever, distinct lightning sound. But the Betsy is more easy and good to my musical ears(mind). They both give a 3D organic sound.

My Audio SetUp is: Sony SaCd player - A homemade Metrum Transient DAC - A homemade Luminaria (SIT classA) preAmp - Mono LÀmp (Resistorversion with SIT transistor).

Now I maybe have to find some OB woofer? to get more punch in the lower reals. Maybe - but not realy needed. Time, work and health must decide....

Happy new year to all!!:violin:




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my hearing is good...

Yes silversprout.

Enjoying music is one of the few things in life that has no drawbacks - and still past 60 I can hear 15000 Hz. And that is a privilege after 2 cancer attacks with operations and hard treatment. Today I am healthy and relatively OK. And some building of audio/speakers and keeping a interest in the music-scene (Americana,Folk) is very much vital for me.;)

Thank you Poultrygeist. Even we oldtimers (60+) must keep on the alert and enjoy music on good equipment!:cool:
And like Neil young once said: Rust Never Sleeps

Best to all


And yes I'm one of those old-timers but senior sounds better. Building speakers has become a passion but compared to so many on this forum I'm just a novice. There's no comparison between building something that sounds good vs buying something that sounds good.

But maybe my rust should take a nap. :)

Yes silversprout.

Enjoying music is one of the few things in life that has no drawbacks - and still past 60 I can hear 15000 Hz. And that is a privilege after 2 cancer attacks with operations and hard treatment. Today I am healthy and relatively OK. And some building of audio/speakers and keeping a interest in the music-scene (Americana,Folk) is very much vital for me.;)


Custom internal monitors a fascinating job for me ;)
And it is a rare moment of life that make me forget everything else and it is also very useful when you needs it.