Ultimate Open Baffle Gallery

The ribbed cone Zeniths up close with the Japanese Realistic super tweeters not to be confused with the Korean/Chinese Radio Shack versions.

I've enjoyed the Eminence Beta12LTA with these H-frame Alphas for several years but now the Betas have been replaced by Zenith Alnico's.

I pulled the twelve inch 49CZ's from an old 1958 Zenith console and they're some of the finest sounding wide band drivers I've heard.

For the time being the flat baffle Lowthers are playing second fiddle to the Zeniths.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I had a pair in my garage workshop for years mounted open baffle up in the rafters. Simply amazing , and at times I would stop working a and just marvel at how good they were.
OB in construction

With nanoDigi like crossover machine, now with BW 18dB/octave, Triple Soekris DAC.
Feastrex midrange since 125Hz to 5000Hz, then Dynaudio D330 with waveguide on the front.
Now is a challenge without limits....
In the Amp section, now I am using a J2 like midrange but I planning in make some similar for treble and Bass sections.
The panels are removables and interchangeable with other panels I did make previously, now I was intrigued with Feastrex, first time alone but later I tried with a tweeter, The other choices I got was, a MTM with D76 and D330 (Dynaudios) in the middle of the other big 18" drivers Beyma, 18LX90V2 that I found here from another member that generously show to the rest of Us, that have a very good Qtc with a SPL so efficient and a very affordable price and good distortion rates.


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A while back I posted this pic of my Pure Audio Project clone.
I set them up in my room and did a quick set up with mini dsp.

They were pretty good, but I wanted to try them with the passive that was designed
for them.

So I built these....

Built a nice box for them......

I was so impressed I took these out....

And brought the Trio back to my shop and decided
to build a much nicer one piece panel.....

Here they are in my room, I'm enjoying them immensely.....

How would you compare lower two octaves with those servo ones you kicked out?

Close actually, I was quite surprised, they are very musical.

The Servos offer slam or punch, whatever you want to call it.
Most music I dont miss them, but some tunes that you need
that chest thump for, its not there.

The tops of the Vs are sold, I'm reworking the cabinets to subs only.
They will be placed behind to right and left of the listening position.

Can hardly wait.
Could some of you open baffle xperts please help. Want to build my first open Baffle and need help with a woofer selection. On a very small budget and would like to know if this woofer is suitable for open baffle use.It is the GRS 15PF-8 sold by Parts Express. #292-415. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It will be paired with a 6 1/2 midrange and a 2 1/2 in paper cone tweeter on a 2 ft by 4 ft baffle with the woofer bottom 4 in from the floor. Thank to any that respond.
Thanks for the quick reply Scott.From what I have read and looking at all the other designs it looked to be in the ballpark. This is. my 1st OB speaker and would like it to be close the 1st time but that's just a dream. The 2 15's will be driven by 2 separate 300 watt sub amps from the duell outs on my receiver crossed at 120Hz and the mid bass and tweeters will be driven By the L&R channel from the receiver crossed at 2500 Hz. Hope you can see what I'm seeing.