
When I tried this, I am unable to limit the filter to a certain frequency range, despite setting it in the Optimizer window.

What end up is that it will try to hold a flat FR until 0Hz (or it seems so as step response never came down). That drove the woofer crazy. :)

Is there a way to have the FR limit to a certain range? It can do unity gain outside the range so it won't affect the response.

I understand one way is to try to play with the LP/HP curve to match the current cut off but it'd be nice for the woofer to come down naturally in its low range.
Once TF is exported, here I used calculator tool and min phase / HBT to define a flat line slope below 100Hz for zero low frequency adjustment by the filter.

HBT damages measured phase response so minimum phase feature alone is not valid option for this purpose. Merger is needed to include actual measured MF...HF to generated LF. That does not change much because adjusting target close to system response drops gain close to 1. Noise stays quite low with help of near field measurement.

Extrapolation down to 0 Hz is needed for IFFT anyway so there is no perfect solution. FFT length (not too long) and window function in Impulse response window can be used to limit problems due to extrapolation.
Kinmo, sorry for the bump, but I am afraid that this will be drowned in all messages and yiu have switched pms's off
I'm just trying to find document where V[mmm]H[ppp] format is specified. I can't find it from EASE 4.4. user manual. Some (lost) document I've seen used mmm=meridians and ppp=parallels also for V000H000 format i.e. exactly the same coordinate system with IR[mmm][ppp] format having 3 digits for phi (orbit) and 3 digits for theta (off-axis) which is tested with actual data. That does not sound logical with V000H000 format so I can change reading for V000=vertical and H000=horizontal as they are in VituixCAD.
I'm just trying to find document where V[mmm]H[ppp] format is specified. I can't find it from EASE 4.4. user manual. Some (lost) document I've seen used mmm=meridians and ppp=parallels also for V000H000 format i.e. exactly the same coordinate system with IR[mmm][ppp] format having 3 digits for phi (orbit) and 3 digits for theta (off-axis) which is tested with actual data. That does not sound logical with V000H000 format so I can change reading for V000=vertical and H000=horizontal as they are in VituixCAD.

Maybe I am not understanding something right.

if I try to import the files in the attached rar file (also in the vituixcad "normal" format), I expect to get 4 horizontal and 4 vertical measurements.

But there is no way I get this working in the importer, If I use plane keywords H and V, only H's are imported if I use "search from beginning" and only V's are imported if I use "sear from end"

what should I do to get both H and V values imported?


  • subset.rar
    55.9 KB · Views: 48
My EASE test material was exported from Klippel NFS in IR[mmm][ppp] format, and I've never seen actual EASE export in V000H000 format so I'm the last person to say which or who is right or wrong :) Are your files exported from EASE and physical/measured angles were dual plane hor 0, 5, 20, 30, and ver 5, 10, 15, 90 degrees?

Anyway, I've already modified EASE parser: V<>0 H=0 to vertical plane and V=0 to horizontal plane, but it's not yet published.
Thanks for your effort!

these measurements are output form a measurement system, just included as an example.
the measurements really represent the angles in the names as you said: hor 0, 5, 20, 30, and ver 5, 10, 15, 90 degrees

Am I wrong to understand that this should just work in the vituixcad format (Generic dual plane) parser?
'Generic dual plane' option reads just one angle value from filename. Keyword - usually 'hor' or 'ver' in the filename specifies the plane. Other orbits are not possible. Therefore dual plane. It's not VituixCAD specific format. For example ARTA, REW and CLIO in other than balloon meas. mode save in this format.

Your filenames have balloon format because filename contains two angle values: V and H. Constant zero in the other plane/orbit is still balloon format.
P.S. V000H000 format is quite problematic in my opinion. Balloon measurements should use PHI and THETA (such as CLIO, VACS and IR format of EASE) to be easier to understand.
Finally naming format V[mmm]H[ppp] found from here: EASE SpeakerLab – User’s Guide
Section 2.7.2 Importing Directivity Balloon Data:

According this it's quite clear that parsing is already correct in VituixCAD: mmm is meridians/orbit/phi and ppp=parallels/off-axis/theta.
So filenames for
  • horizontal plane 0-359 deg are: V000H000...V000H180...V000H359
  • vertical plane 0-359 deg are: V090H000...V090H180...V090H359

Changes canceled.
'Generic dual plane' option reads just one angle value from filename. Keyword - usually 'hor' or 'ver' in the filename specifies the plane. Other orbits are not possible. Therefore dual plane. It's not VituixCAD specific format. For example ARTA, REW and CLIO in other than balloon meas. mode save in this format.

Your filenames have balloon format because filename contains two angle values: V and H. Constant zero in the other plane/orbit is still balloon format.
P.S. V000H000 format is quite problematic in my opinion. Balloon measurements should use PHI and THETA (such as CLIO, VACS and IR format of EASE) to be easier to understand.
understood and agreed. :)

though I feel I have to add that I find the generic dual plane abit confusing, they way it works now, with the 2 identifiers suggests it can parse dual planes at once, imho the way it functions now it is more " generic single plane"

the coolest thing would of course be that generic dual plane would parse all V000Hppp VpppH000 values
( but I understand if you disagree, I will write a script to rename my measurements) :)

Thank you for you effort!
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with the 2 identifiers suggests it can parse dual planes at once, imho the way it functions now it is more " generic single plane"
Each response file represents single direction no matter is it dual plane or balloon format.
This depends on how many planes file naming system is able to refer. Dual plane naming is able to refer two fixed planes, and balloon naming 360...36000 planes/orbits.
(the coolest thing would of course be that generic dual plane would parse all V000Hppp VpppH000 values but I understand if you disagree, I will write a script to rename my measurements) :)
I don't like to see situation where users invent their own file naming systems and then ask me to program support for it. Users should comply some known file naming assuming that we have enough options to choose. We certainly do.
Each response file represents single direction no matter is it dual plane or balloon format.
This depends on how many planes file naming system is able to refer. Dual plane naming is able to refer two fixed planes, and balloon naming 360...36000 planes/orbits.

I don't like to see situation where users invent their own file naming systems and then ask me to program support for it. Users should comply some known file naming assuming that we have enough options to choose. We certainly do.
sure, you are absolutely right.
thanks for the effort again, much appreciated! :)
'MF 3D' file naming V[mmm]H[ppp] is now separated from EASE 3D option so it wasn't big job to make separate 2D variation from it. It's more logical than MF 3D though not necessarily any standard and mandatory. Other naming formats can make the same.

View attachment 1018893

See rev
...if all software developers would work like you do, the world would be a better place! :) :) :) Much appreciated,
Thank you!
Normally I would measure in REW, gate the response and then export it for VCad. This time I exported the IR from REW and tried to gate it in VCad but am facing a weird problem. I can't drag the markers (yellow or red). The cursor changes to a drag icon but that's it. I'm using VCad on a Mac M1 under Wine.

Scratch that. @atharva there appears to be a problem with the way the impulse response is saved. I confirmed your issue only because I used the same file that you sent via email.

The issue here is that the impulse is at 1000ms, usually we would expect only a couple ms before the start of the impulse. VituixCAD has issues with this extreme delay for click and drag operation. The issue here appears to be with the file, time of flight is 1 second, or 344 meters!

In the files you sent me, you have also included an ARTA .pir file, if you load this file you will find the click and drag works just as you expect, even in Wine.