
Dumb question:

Is there a Vituix guide, besides the PDF?

I tried to learn it yesterday and wasn't successful at that.

I was in the same boat.

I had a hard time to understand the big picture of the workflow and how the different "modules" or "parts" within Vituix talk to each other. The simple answer is: they don't. You need to export stuff from one module and import it to the next. This seemed a bit awkward at first, but it does have the advantage that you can also import stuff that was not done in Vituix.

I ended up by just measuring anechoic SPL curves at different angles, and splicing those to nearfield response curves for the low-frequency part. This was all done outside of Vituix. Then I imported these data to Vituix and started designing an x-over by looking at the on-axis and off-axis responses. It really helps to have the manual close, because I cannot remember which curve is which in Vituix (yes, I'd like to repeat my request for a legend in those plots!).

I have not really used the other modules so far (box tuning, diffraction, etc.)
I suppose users who have history with LspCAD 5.25 and VituixCAD 1.1 before trying version 2.0 don't have any or at least severe problems to adapt with workflow of version 2.0.

Basic strategy is that main program is crossover simulator using response data (txt/frd/zma) files and simulated crossover, summing in both electrical and acoustical domains. Tools such as Enclosure, Diffraction, Merger, Calculator, Convert IR to FR and external measurement program (ARTA or CLIO) are for preliminary engineering and producing/processing response data for crossover simulation.

Some response feeding links from tools to Drivers tab in the main program exist, but they are optional in case result responses are valid to load for drivers in XO simulation.

So it's kinda toolbox which can use data from other tools and applications, and produce data for other tools and applications.


Joined 2011
Paid Member
Hey Kimmo,

wanted to ask you if it is possible to add smoothing functionality to the main driver page? I know that the calculator tool does the job, but I think it would be more convenient if you could just do it in the main program without a need of saving a copy of modified files and loading those.


Joined 2011
Paid Member
^Convert IR to FR has also smoothing, but measurements should be done with ARTA or CLIO. I have smoothed there in the latest projects. Using Calculator is extra work.
V1 is rapid but looks quite limited already.
I used to use Arta, but I am a Mac user so I got FuzzMeasure. Arta of course is more powerful, but having a native software won me. Initially I was still using Arta for measurements and FuzzMeasure for final voicing, but them moved away from it. There are many things that are missing in FuzzM and smoothening exported file is one of them.
Hi Kimmosto:
I was contemplating the use of a rear firing subwoofer array (100 hz down) on my CBT line array. I modeled it in Vituix and got a surprising answer. I have always heard that bass is omni-directional and so I thought that confined to a low enough range, a rear firing array, chosen for aesthetics, would work well. I needed to include the reflection off the front wall so I included an image array 1200mm behind the real array with the drivers rotated appropriately. By the image method, this models a wall halfway between which puts the back of the CBT 50mm or so from the wall at its closest (also curved) approach.

Inclusion of the image showed me a boundary null at 188 Hz and so is useful for that reason alone. More importantly, it showed me that the SPL in front on axis would be 6db down relative to that to the rear, throughout the range, not just at the high end. This is what surprised me. I believe it is a correct result and the surprise is a reflection on me but I would appreciate your confirmation. At the same time, At the same time, the same -6db would apply to rear port on a vented box, so I hold some slight hope that it might be not be accurate. I suppose the -6db that is why rear ports are recommended for vented midranges :)

Use of image analysis like this is invaluable. Without it, I might have built and measured a prototype before finding out front radiation was 6 db down. I wonder if you would see fit to support it directly in Vituix as it is a fair amount of work to do it by cut and paste of full array of drivers and then adjust the xyzR of each driver to the new locations. It would be so nice to have check boxes to include radiation from adjacent wall, ceiling, floor surfaces.

I know you have the floor and wall check boxes in the diffraction tool but that tool doesn't model the curvature of the CBT baffle. Would I get the same/similar results if fed diffraction tool results with those boxes and "feed speaker" checked? I know I should try it but it seems counter-intuitive given the curvature of the baffle


  • SB65 CBT with rear facing 5FE120s.jpg
    SB65 CBT with rear facing 5FE120s.jpg
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