2stageEF high performance class AB power amp / 200W8R / 400W4R

Joined 2011
Paid Member
have a look at
at right side of schematic.


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R28+C1 are the conventional location for the Output Zobel.
R84+C6 are the alternative location for the Output Zobel, proposed by N.Thiele.
L1||R49 plus either of the Zobels is the Thiele Network.
Using both the Zobels and the Inductor is the Pi version of the Thiele Network.

When analysing the stability, one usually taps in before the Inductor to measure the amplifier output.
This is also where parasitic capacitance is added to test the model for adequate phase margin.

If one wanted to analyse the effective isolation provided by the Thiele Network one would tap in after the inductor.

If one is analysing the amp's stability margins, then Cload should be tapped in before the inductor.
Cload as shown, is isolated from the amplifier feedback node and has very little effect on stability margins if the Thiele Network is effective.
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I have seen suggestions of trying over the range 1nF to 1000nF.
But you may have to increase the Rload to around a value similar to the peak impedance value of typical speakers. Some go as high as 100r resistive, where the phase passes through zero degrees (the horizontal portion at the tops and bottoms of the impedance curve).
So it could that trying a combination of Cload and Rload both stepping through a range of values to see that a weird combination does not make the amp oscillate.
Are there any out there...

Me, more or less.
The capacitance is intended to simulate the effect of speaker cable capacitance and speaker stray capacitance, especially from transformers in electrostatic models.
These all attach after the output inductor, it's precisely the point of the inductor, to isolate these loads.
So that's the traditional test.
But it doesn't seem like a bad idea to check the sensitivity of the amp to stray layout capacitance as well. Hence before the inductor.
But realistic values at this point will tens or maybe a few hundred pF.

Best wishes
Joined 2011
Paid Member
Cload placed on left side of output L||R network. R_LOAD was 8R.
At least stable up to 18nF (PM > 35dB, GM > 6dB).

Without R_LOAD and L||R network circuit delivers near same stability.
Left 4.7R/100nF Zobel is always needed to keep the amp stable.
Inner loop seems to be always stable?

L||R is always needed if the load is a speaker with parallel capacity up to 2µ.

Thx David! It really makes sense to check both sides of Zobel/Thiele network.

BR, Toni


  • 2stageef_50w_mosfet_pm_gm_cload_left_10n_100n.png
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Zobel was placed? L||R network available? before or after inductor?

BR, Toni
No inductor yet.
I am testing the amplifiers.

I do include the inductor in all my builds.
I have recently (maybe 2 years or so) used the Pi version for all new builds, since I cannot find any fault in doing so.

I do believe that attenuating interference at all the cable entries is a valuable method of giving the amplifier a good chance of behaving as designed/intended.
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Joined 2011
Paid Member
But it doesn't seem like a bad idea to check the sensitivity of the amp to stray layout capacitance as well. Hence before the inductor.
But realistic values at this point will tens or maybe a few hundred pF.

For the 200W brother I've measured about 800pF stray capacitance from output to heatsink (grounded) using 8 pairs of TTC5200/TTA1943 so for simulation I think it is really necessary to add some hundred pF Cload before Zobel/Thiele network. What do you mean?

BR, Toni
For the 200W brother I've measured about 800pF stray capacitance from output to heatsink (grounded) using 8 pairs of TTC5200/TTA1943 so for simulation I think it is really necessary to add some hundred pF Cload before Zobel/Thiele network. What do you mean?

That is a bit more than I expected, by "a few hundred" I meant maybe 300 pF.
8 pairs is more than most amplifiers, so that accounts for some of it.
I did some capacitance calculations for transistors on heat-sinks with thermal washers but I don't remember it was so much.
Could be my memory or perhaps my assumptions, how are your transistors mounted?

Best wishes
Many very experienced Members here...use an output Zobel and no inductor...

Of the experienced members whose posts I pay attention to, I have not noticed any omit the inductor in a practical amp.
Ric Lee is _very_ experienced and considers it practically essential.
Bob Cordell of course.
Toni here uses it.
Damir (Dadod) and Andrew (Bonsai) also IIRC (my files are on another machine so I can't easily check).
OStripper in the amps of his that I have noticed (he's done a lot so I wouldn't swear to all).
Those are just the ones where I remembered an output inductor in a finished amp, sorry if I have omitted anyone, doesn't mean I don't pay attention to you.

Best wishes

I know John Curl discusses this and I know he is experienced but he seems to prefer controversy so he is not one "whose posts I pay attention to".
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