A Study of DMLs as a Full Range Speaker

Tremendous amount of effort.

Bradley pnw.
Let's take the canvas art picture frame as an example,I literally threw this panel together (as I have a habit of doing)not knowing what to expect.
Even though the panel is cracking up the response is good +and - 5db from about 80hz to 20k,depending of course on where you place the microphone!
Pictures of responses are on post 1924 page 193and page 221.
These pictures are of a 30db window with 5db lines ,which I always use ,so I am not trying to make the response look smooth by using 10 or20db increments.
If there is a problem I want to see it.
Surely it is far better to use a panel with a good sound and good response to start with and use dsp to tweak the sound if wanted(for adjusting to taste ).
You may have already noticed that the response can change considerably around the seating area let alone the room,which of these responses should be changed?and what would be the effects of these changes on the rest of the room and seating area?
If you fixed a 10db dip let's say ,in your seating area,this would create a 10db peak in the output of the panel and room.
If you moved the microphone to the left of right by say a foot the response could be totally different.
I could go on ,and probably will ,but I can hear the other half calling,so will end there.
I find the panel the easy part.
Testing paste

this is with the TLs turned on ,with no eq,at 12FT into room so can be improved, notice the ledge at 10K with this panel but the panel radiates this hf in all directions, could eq this but sounds natural to me ?

This link I hope, is a picture of the response of a bog standard I think it's 70 grade 7ftx2ftx1inch (if I remember correctly )polystyrene panel.
I posted this a lone time ago ,I just blended my TLS up to about 300hz to match the dml,no eq needed to fill the dip in the 200hz region.
Home - Resonance Piano

This is an interesting site with recordings(slightly better than mine).
Sounds very nice to me.
Years ago my wife wanted a new piano ,I said to her why don't you get an electronic piano and I'll rig up a dml sound panel(this didn't go down well) .
So we have a real piano that practically starts going out of tune as soon as the piano tuner walks out the door,goodbye another 70 quid!!!
I have just pointed this site out to my wife(still didn't go down well!!)
It's a pity they don't have a high quality video of their panel speakers ,similar to the resonance piano video,but I would expect a similar sound quality.
Sound boards have been around for Many many years,long before loudspeakers ,and let's face it ,that is what dml is.
if you think I about it ,Expert piano and instrumental soundboard makers would seem to be an obvious choice to make dml panels.
Tuned with years of experience in soundboard construction not just with a computer program,which can't tell you what the panel is going to sound like.
although One of the main limiting factors is still the exciter itself,which with time hopefully will improve more.

Also interesting mounting technique I'm sure Leonardo da Vinci would be proud ,at first I thought The panel wire's were under some sort of tension ,but from some of the pictures ,they seem a little loose ?
Maybe they haven't been set up yet?
Yes, meanwhile I converted to a soundboard lover:))
And looking at those beautiful Italian DMLs, made with a good touch of emotion, fine crafted and perfect finished surface, I just had the intention jumping in the train and have a good Italian dinner after listening to them.
My own panels still have this kind of recycling look.
Soon will meet a friend who is doing workshops with children. He wants me for making DMLs with children;-) Probably new territories and unexpected solutions.
It's a pity they don't have a high quality video of their panel speakers ,similar to the resonance piano video,but I would expect a similar sound quality.
Sound boards have been around for Many many years,long before loudspeakers ,and let's face it ,that is what dml is.
if you think I about it ,Expert piano and instrumental soundboard makers would seem to be an obvious choice to make dml panels.
Tuned with years of experience in soundboard construction not just with a computer program,which can't tell you what the panel is going to sound like.
although One of the main limiting factors is still the exciter itself,which with time hopefully will improve more.

Also interesting mounting technique I'm sure Leonardo da Vinci would be proud ,at first I thought The panel wire's were under some sort of tension ,but from some of the pictures ,they seem a little loose ?
Maybe they haven't been set up yet?

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