A Study of DMLs as a Full Range Speaker

I've got 3 models of them.

Yes you're right the metal spider is too stiff. So I cut them (pic2), however sounds not much improve.
Other problem is, from the pic1 you can see both 44/50mm model share the exact same spider. So the 44mm even worst sounding then the 50mm.
And they're both too heavy to use on a spineless system.

Overall not recommand even they're cheap.
Aah. Ok . Thanks hkguy6
That's a shame, expected, but a shame anyway
Eucy hkguy6.
I was wondering if this type of exciter might be better suited to be used as a stud wall exciter ?
Either by gluing the disc onto the plaster or using a longer centre screw thread ,which would screw through the plaster into the wood beam.
My hdn8 has only a very short thread which screws directly into wood, with very little body gap to spare, unless I glued a strip of ply onto the wall surface first ?
I have no idea how much ,that screwing the exciter onto the inside of a stud (dry wall) wall will affect the sound ?
That is why I was very interested in the guy on YouTube with his wall speakers using exciters.
Here (Hong Kong) we don't use plaster wall. All cement so can not try.

I doubt these Aiyima are really powerful. The magnet they used are quite small when compare with my PUI. All the weight goes to the metal housing.
From my experience they are not louder then the PUI when attached on same panel.


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Hi hkguy6.. Thanks for the info
Can you pls review/advise on the PUI unit/a you have
Rubber spiders?
Frogs legs ..did you cut them off?
What wattage do you have
I see they have Neodymium magnets and they are not vented

They seem promising...20 watt units here in Aust are about $27 plus postage
A lot less than the Dayton ones

It wouldn't make any difference if The wall was full of insulation or not, the two outer surfaces would both radiat sound from the stud beam.
Remarkably the hdn8 souned quite good on my wall and ceiling.
Much better than on a panel.
The hdn8's body is plastic, and the coil suspension is part of the plastic housing , which vibrates loudly.
Although the magnet is massive on this exciter , a lot of the power is taken up trying to move the plastic suspension.
It does not go loud very nicely on a panel.
But for some reason it went well screwed into a stud in the wall ?
Hi hkguy6.. Thanks for the info
Can you pls review/advise on the PUI unit/a you have
Rubber spiders?
Frogs legs ..did you cut them off?
What wattage do you have
I see they have Neodymium magnets and they are not vented

They seem promising...20 watt units here in Aust are about $27 plus postage
A lot less than the Dayton ones

Ah review...... it's not very suitable for me to do. Because I just judge the sound by ears with personal perference so there're not much objective reference.

Besides the Aiyima's, I own DAEX25FHE-4, PUI ASX05404-HD-R, Dayton DAEX58FP, and several pcs of 15W 44mm fabric spider model (USD3/pc, many rebrand, google search 44mm exciter that is).

I prefer PUI > 15W 44mm > DAEX25FHE-4 > Aiyima's
They are all have sound different on the same panel. So exciter really does an important role I believe.

The PUI ASX05404-HD-R doesn't have the bright and sharp sounding as DAEX25FHE-4 and others. But has the most natural timbre, lots of details and spacing informations that I love.
As I know this PUI was a re-branded the Billionsound's 54mm model. Which is a fabric spider and vented. This model also rebranded as Dayton DAEX58FP=Visaton EX-60-S (square mount back), Dayton DAEX32QMB-4 (Frogs legs) and more others I guess. So you may get this cheaper, depends on which brand model. But not suggest the square back mount. It's a faulty design. I spent an afternoon to remove the back.....

If anyone have interest, you can find almost all exciter models here however Billionsound just sell in bulk.
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It wouldn't make any difference if The wall was full of insulation or not, the two outer surfaces would both radiat sound from the stud beam.
Remarkably the hdn8 souned quite good on my wall and ceiling.
Much better than on a panel.
The hdn8's body is plastic, and the coil suspension is part of the plastic housing , which vibrates loudly.
Although the magnet is massive on this exciter , a lot of the power is taken up trying to move the plastic suspension.
It does not go loud very nicely on a panel.
But for some reason it went well screwed into a stud in the wall ?
Ok . Thanks Steve
Maybe I'll try my Dayton Pucks... Or one of them as I chopped the back from one🤔😜
Ah review...... it's not very suitable for me to do. Because I just judge the sound by ears with personal perference so there're not much objective reference.

Besides the Aiyima's, I own DAEX25FHE-4, PUI ASX05404-HD-R, Dayton DAEX58FP, and several pcs of 15W 44mm fabric spider model (USD3/pc, many rebrand, google search 44mm exciter that is).

I prefer PUI > 15W 44mm > DAEX25FHE-4 > Aiyima's
They are all have sound different on the same panel. So exciter really does an important role I believe.

The PUI ASX05404-HD-R doesn't have the bright and sharp sounding as DAEX25FHE-4 and others. But has the most natural timbre, lots of details and spacing informations that I love.
As I know this PUI was a re-branded the Billionsound's 54mm model. Which is a fabric spider and vented. This model also rebranded as Dayton DAEX58FP=Visaton EX-60-S (square mount back), Dayton DAEX32QMB-4 (Frogs legs) and more others I guess. So you may get this cheaper, depends on which brand model. But not suggest the square back mount. It's a faulty design. I spent an afternoon to remove the back.....

If anyone have interest, you can find almost all exciter models here however Billionsound just sell in bulk.
Thanks hkguy6..
Subjective info is fine by me...
That's very useful feedback.. Thanks

Unfortunately, I think I landed on the Rolls Royce exciter first up... But it comes at a Rolls Royce price ( $79 au now !!) . So I'm looking at others to try...


PS looks just like the second shot taken from the Billion site


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The 25shf-4 looks like the exciter podium used in their panels.
The price has increased considerably over the last few years.
It is a very heavy and deep exciter and needs support mounting.

I did make a recording of me moving the hdn8 exciter around the surface of the stud wall, to give an idea of the different sounds of the stud position and on the plaster in-between the studs.
I never got around to mounting a stereo pair .
Ceiling mounting above my listening seat could be interesting?
Dangling wires are the main problem.
At the moment I don't have much exposed stud wall , because of all the junk in my room 😫
I'm always getting side tracked :eek:
Coming back to an old problem, these pics are of a 1inch thick eps I made out of two smaller panels.
I mentioned at the time it was beaming heavily to the sides , so I had to place pillows on the wall to stop the reflections.
My 5mm panel of similar size does not suffer this problem?
The first pic shows the offending panel and the angle at which the microphone was placed.
The measurements were taken at 2ft, but they were very similar in the middle of the room.
The second picture shows the front response.
The third picture shows the response from left angle.
As I said in my previous post, this response from the side can be very painful sometimes,especially if the panel is placed near a side wall.
I intend to do a little more investigation into this problem in conjunction with the dome.
I was hoping the dome might help cure this problem and smooth it out a little ,although there seems to be very little cavity noise , but I have not looked into this as yet , as I said I've got a little side tracked again:D
This is the reason I prefer to take multiple point microphone measurements to make sure I get the whole picture of what is going on.
But usually I just wave the microphone around the panel and watch what is happening in real time.
It's so much easier.

I forgot to mention that the peak from the side angle is about 5db higher than from the front ,this could be because the the side of the panel is close to the microphone?
Although the peak happens 3mtrs into the room as well (just measured it)
I just came across this post of mine on page 170, while looking for wall recordings (side tracked again ) 🤣
And remembered that I never followed up as usual with my findings.
I found that the reflection peak from the close wall, could be sorted by simply turning the panel on its 🙃
It seems obvious now as all the pro panels i have seen are mounted on their sides(tectonic and others).
Basically when the panel is on its side, the close wall sees a fuller frequency response, so reflects the fuller sound back into the room, from both left and right.
When standing upright the wall only sees the reduced frequency response,from the thinner side , it is not an artificial peak, but a drop off of response below the peak, (I hope this makes sense?).
When the panel is on its side you will get a fuller sound spread across the audience at a venue.
And all reflections from side walls will be the same.
In my room the walls are close to the panels, so when the panel is on its side,it reflects the fuller sound back into the room towards me.
Now the peak is firing down into my carpet and up to the ceiling which is further away from the panel.
This one strong reflection from the ceiling will also be absorbed somewhat by the carpet ,hopefully ,it would seem ?
This panel sounded fine when turned on its side,problem solved😁.
I now always mount my small panels on their sides for this reason.
Sorry it took me so long to mention this.
I look forward to any feedback on this and any thoughts.
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The 25shf-4 looks like the exciter podium used in their panels.
The price has increased considerably over the last few years.
It is a very heavy and deep exciter and needs support mounting.

I did make a recording of me moving the hdn8 exciter around the surface of the stud wall, to give an idea of the different sounds of the stud position and on the plaster in-between the studs.
I never got around to mounting a stereo pair .
Ceiling mounting above my listening seat could be interesting?
Dangling wires are the main problem.
At the moment I don't have much exposed stud wall , because of all the junk in my room 😫
Thanks Steve... It is heavy and deep and does require support...I started with a modified plastic coathanger with a silicone hinge mount and the last one is a damped zip tie. Neither types have a spine... Maybe the extra mass helps but I can't feel the exciter move even under heavy loads

Sure packs a punch though.... Easily equal to the 40w thruster with better hf response imo.. Probably due to the smaller voice coil

I just found this panel which I have not seen for a few years now.
I believe it is a 5mm vh grade eps.
It is pretty beaten up, it used to have a wooden frame on the two top surfaces, which i did not like the sound of, it has been coated in yellow vinyl silk paint, and has an eggshell for a reverse dome.
This was my egg dome period 🐣
The first two pictures are of the offending item.
The third is of the response at 2m, about 2ft to my left in front of my seating position .
(The peak at about 800hz is probably to do with the coil cavity and the reverse eggshell , it just moved its position in frequency).
It was just a handy place to put the microphone.
The fourth picture is of the peak hold frequency of playing a cd with large drums and percussion.
This was of the single panel full range right chanel only.
I was surprised how well it handled playing full range into my room, I don't remember this.
I do remember the harder panels having a flat wider frequency response, but I had to turn the graphite panel down 6db to level up the volume when I payed in stereo.


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