Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Joined 2004
Paid Member
- Does this resemble what you have?

STL file attached.


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Joined 2004
Paid Member
Simulations for the axial dome motion - it's not much better :)

Raw horizontal polars (constant acceleration):




Attached also the normalized responses to 0 deg.
I'm really interested to see the measured data - how much are we off with this.


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Joined 2004
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You can set any step you need. This is for 0 - 60 / 10 for the raw polars ("SPL_H/V" charts). Polar maps are per 5 deg by default.

ABEC.SimType = 1 ; infinite baffle
ABEC.f1 = 1000 ; [Hz]
ABEC.f2 = 20000 ; [Hz]
ABEC.NumFrequencies = 20
ABEC.MeshFrequency = 1000 ; [Hz]
ABEC.Abscissa = 2 ; linear

ABEC.Polars.Dist = 1.5 ; mic distance - adjust this to your value [m]
ABEC.Polars.Step = 10 ; angular step [deg]
ABEC.Polars.Points = 7 ; # of polars
ABEC.Polars.Horizontal = 1
ABEC.Polars.Vertical = 1
ABEC.Polars.Diagonal = 0
ABEC.Polars.DiagonalInclination = 0.0
ABEC.Polars.PMapNorm = 10 ; polar map normalizing angle [deg]


I think the match is pretty good. There may still be differences due to the different radiating conditions. I work on finite baffles - that will be even closer.
BTW, this was calculated for 20 points only. Solved in 10 minutes.


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Joined 2004
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Looking more closely on your geometry, it seems that the vertical profile arc touches the baffle at slightly higher angle. When I checked my radiuses they were 74.6 and 25.5 mm, horizontally and vertically.

Maybe this will be a bit closer to what you have:

CircArc.TermAngle = 0.8 + 7*sin(p)^2

Now the radiuses are 73.9 and 30.5 mm. Updated STL attached.


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Looking more closely on your geometry, it seems that the vertical profile arc touches the baffle at slightly higher angle. When I checked my radiuses they were 74.6 and 25.5 mm, horizontally and vertically.

Maybe this will be a bit closer to what you have:

CircArc.TermAngle = 0.8 + 7*sin(p)^2

Now the radiuses are 73.9 and 30.5 mm. Updated STL attached.

I'm not quite following, are the wall profile radiuses not 73.66 and 30.48 mm as I specified? Looking at the .cfg I see they are not even there, so some function with certain assumptions (tangent at baffle for example) must be calculating a best fit when given mouth size, throat size, depth, etc? Is there a way to direct code the radius?
Joined 2004
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If you think about it, it's not that easy - what's the radius on the diagonals and everywhere between? If you wanted to set the radii directly you would have to know this. I chose a different approach - you define the throat, the mouth outline (whatever that is) and the angle at which the arc should meet the baffle (=CircArc.TermAngle). The radii around the waveguide are simply calculated from that.