Aiyima TPA3251 Modification Build Thread!

Hmm... let me rephrase it.

You won't get really more 3D from any conventional speaker in the sub 2000$ range.You might get slightly more spending more money, or more realisticaly having a slightly different presentation (say starting slightly less upfront and hence going deeper, but overall same size). You are though very likely to lose deepest bass with "small LS stage wonder 2 ways", not speaking disco effect here, far more crucial low frequency room informations that give you a clue on a lot of things re stage, recording room etc.

Regarding my comment, again, I was referening to what I call absolute re soundstage and airness, and that is nearly full range Magnetostats or electrostats, for sure not convenional LS (OK, make the big Thiel the exception, not sure you can call them conventional though), say upwards from midfield Martin Logans and Maggies (without taking into account all their negatives and sometimes space distorsion, just to give you an idea of the size of the soundstage depth, not precision or macrodynamic). If you are old school, say the Quads regarding soundstage alone.

Having said all that, I wonder how the latest (very affordable) Maggies do with a proper mount and, possibly far more delicate, a matching subwoofer. But again, overall price will be more, possibly more complicate to place in the room... too risky for me in the living room with kids.

Gilles bought the Klipsch with the possibility to return them after 15 or 30 days, I would suggest you do the same and judge by yourself. In Covid times some are more than happy to sell products and can be very customer friendly. Having said that, we never saw them again at less than 700E / pair inclusive delivery

My opas 1656 from China have arrived


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Bypassing is easy and gives instant benefits. Nothing to remove, no risk to destroy anything.
Of course you can go further and also replace existing caps. We did not follow that way, so can't report. It also depends with what you replace the existing caps.
Only replacing existing caps with no bypass will possibly not give as good result as only bypassing, not benefiting from the overlapping of different caps technologies. Hope that helps !
Would be very interresting if someone could report on 'replacing + bypassing' vs. 'only bypassing' !
Hmm... let me rephrase it.
You won't get really more 3D from any conventional speaker in the sub 2000$ range.

My €150 (pair) of Philips 9710 full rangers (1953 technology) have much much more 3D in comparison to Wilson Benesch costing around €30.000. And a BBC 3/5 monitor has also much more 3D than many mega bucks speakers out there.

BTW, IMHO the Wilson Benesch is pure rip-off in my ears it sounds plain wrong and utterly bad and unbearable. I also heard the most expensive Dynaudio together with a pro musician (member of a Symphony Orch,). She laughed at the Dynaudios cos they were totally wrong how they portrayed the orchestra. Slow, sluggish, transient response near to not existent, muddy, colored, no stage depth, killing details and ambience information - just plain bad. Just some examples of "reference grade speakers". My old Apogee panels did sound so much better.
Would you change the caps or it is better to bypass them? Maybe both?

The black ones... KZ? If so you could bypass them with cheap small Russian PIOs, Jensen, Obbligato Gold or with ELNA Silmic II - to smooth the upper midrange. The blue ones are Nichicon KA? If so I would change them to Nichicon VZ, KZ, FG, FW or ELNA Silmic II, RBD (bipolar), Tonerex, Stargate.
I have done all the bypass on the back. Haven't changed the opas yet as I'm still waiting for the adapters. The sound is already amazing. Such a huge improvement I'm in shock. Thank you guys!


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