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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

I should have been a bit clearer about what I meant with my earlier comment - I didn't expect a whole DSD DAC to be squeezed onto an SO3;

It would seem to me that you end up with two DACs in parallel, one optimised for PCM and the other for DSD, which implies a second set of outputs on the SO3 or supercape (i.e the basic nuts and bolts).

If it was appropriate to have the two DACs in a single chassis, perhaps sharing a common output buffer (and analogue attenuator?) it might be useful to use the PCM/DSD select switch function available from something like the BBBotic to automatically route the PCM/DSD data streams to the right set of SO3+ outputs and to switch the buffer input to use the appropriate DAC as its source? Just thinking about how separate PCM/DSD DACs might work in a practical implementation - I realise the devil will be in the detail...


Ray, thanks for the clarification. Things are very fluid at this stage with lots of interesting ideas... I will put my thinking cap on :)
Looking more like FM, so for someone who also understands radio technology very well ...

Quick web scan I realize that there are 1 tube designs for FM decoders. I expect that this is what Lukas at Lampizator has done. Basically a decoder tuned to the carrier frequency of DSD and then straight to his output amplifier. He notes that it is an enthusiast only product as there are pops and noise between tracks. When it plays DSD it is perfect. Your digital expertise could handle the stream to mute when not playing and then someone with the decoder experience to build the player. Once designed this would be a small great DIY kind of project.
Quick web scan I realize that there are 1 tube designs for FM decoders. I expect that this is what Lukas at Lampizator has done. Basically a decoder tuned to the carrier frequency of DSD and then straight to his output amplifier. He notes that it is an enthusiast only product as there are pops and noise between tracks. When it plays DSD it is perfect. Your digital expertise could handle the stream to mute when not playing and then someone with the decoder experience to build the player. Once designed this would be a small great DIY kind of project.

Hmmm ... I am beginning to understand what the Lampizator implementation is. Again, proves the point that once the concept is understood nicely we can then play God with the implementation!
Precisely! Initially he keeps the native DSD box as pure DSD. Like turntable vs CDP. I could live with that. Reviewers seem to think that redbook converted to DSD and played via this native player are still better than anything on PCM. We will soon find out without paying 3k to Lukas. He is a DIY like the rest of us who turned his passion into his job.
No Worries Acko. I was going to consider AK4490 from Diyinhk. The issue was OPAmp is not my preference as output stage. May be you could come up with something for this DAC-chip? Relatively new technology, I assume?

Actually looks like any other sigma-delta DAC to me and outputs are pure voltages, so any voltage buffer/filter will do. You could get Supratek to tune one of their triode buffers for the AK4490. Lundhall transformers will also interface nicely. Heard that their silver editions are even better @$$$!
If you are after something cheaper on silicon why not consider Joachim Gerhad's JFet Filter/Buffer

BTW, 9018 can also be operated in Voltage output mode, so no IV required and the above applies. Heard favourable results - so something for comparison. I think this is what Supratek was using initially, maybe now fine tuned further with 'secret sauce' but underlying concept remains the same regardless
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the BBB has no problem working with 45/49 master clk input, if you set the kernel accordingly

now i want full control from bbb to r2r, is it possible to use pins on BBB as a rs232 interface? Ive seen posts in the r2r thread where people were exploring this with arduino.
Afaik, most DSD recordings are created from DxD which is essentially PCM @ 352.8k/24bit....

Tonight I've been playing with JRiver's DSD conversion function; I've converted a couple of FLAC rips to DSD64 and DSD128 (dsf format so tagging works) - you end up with big dsf files (a 463Mb album in FLAC becomes 3Gb (DSD64) and 6Gb (DSD128) so converting a whole library isn't something to be done lightly, however, it does mean I can do some comparison when I get DSD capability on my DAC sorted out.

Conversion was pretty processor intensive so I have a question mark about 'on the fly' transcoding?

Acko, for info, I've been serving the DSD files from the beta V5 of Asset UPnP without a hitch; it's looking very promising.

BTW, does the ESS9018 digital volume control still function with DSD material? Just checking as I've been using it as my only volume control and don't want to damage anything by finding DSD plays at max.

the BBB has no problem working with 45/49 master clk input, if you set the kernel accordingly

Excellent! yes, we have seen 45/49M clocks work for BBB. The only concern is it may be stressing the BBB hardware that is specified for 26MHz max! But so far I haven't seen failures reported with this operation.

Actually, what excited me more was that from your post it can be confirmed Soren's DAC do indeed put out MCK to slave compatible transports for full sync operation. From previous posts we thought this feature of the DAM1021 is not available yet.
And this means a very simple and direct connection - no S03, cape etc. If you are happy to power down the BBB manually then that is all you need. Of course if you need auto shutdown then the upcoming BBB-DSD or similar will be convenient :)
I'm not sure if this has been done as of yet...

Should we split out the BBB-DSD vs. SuperCape interest? or just implement it on the same list? After doing more research and gaining more knowledge, I'm thinking I'd only want one of each -- instead of 2 SuperCapes.

In the past, by not playing the "wait and see" game I've collected extra components that I never ended up needing or had better options later. For instance I ended up with 2 S01/S02 boards and a clock board. But then hopped on an S03 board. So many boards -- not enough projects or money or desk space. I suppose this is fairly common in our DIY audio hobby (addiction).
I'm not sure if this has been done as of yet...
From the pics posted by Mcluxun and the way wiring goes, it appears DAM1021 does output MCK. Am I seeing this correctly?

Should we split out the BBB-DSD vs. SuperCape interest? or just implement it on the same list? After doing more research and gaining more knowledge, I'm thinking I'd only want one of each -- instead of 2 SuperCapes.

Just hang on the current list, not a GB yet. When the boards are ready to go I will advise option. In this way you can make a more informed decision
Yes, things do pile up for this type of projects. You should see my bin full of bloopers :D
Nope. I meant has a new list been made up yet with those who had interest in BBB-DSD vs. SuperCape? -- which you just answered.

Just curious, will the S04 allow for synchronous clocking for multiple i2s sources? In particular how would clock select work? I'm using this info to inform how I might be able to achieve this on my S03. I'll also move forward with the the OTTOII if I get confirmation from TP that I can do what I'm trying to do.
Nope. I meant has a new list been made up yet with those who had interest in BBB-DSD vs. SuperCape? -- which you just answered.

Just curious, will the S04 allow for synchronous clocking for multiple i2s sources? In particular how would clock select work? I'm using this info to inform how I might be able to achieve this on my S03. I'll also move forward with the the OTTOII if I get confirmation from TP that I can do what I'm trying to do.


Yes, the S04 will do that for compatible sources via its own multiplexer. Not sure how other products fit in at this stage but please check with TPA for OTTO to S03. If I get the time I will check this out as well and advise...