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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Tonight I've been playing with JRiver's DSD conversion function; I've converted a couple of FLAC rips to DSD64 and DSD128 (dsf format so tagging works) - you end up with big dsf files (a 463Mb album in FLAC becomes 3Gb (DSD64) and 6Gb (DSD128) so converting a whole library isn't something to be done lightly, however, it does mean I can do some comparison when I get DSD capability on my DAC sorted out.

Conversion was pretty processor intensive so I have a question mark about 'on the fly' transcoding?

Acko, for info, I've been serving the DSD files from the beta V5 of Asset UPnP without a hitch; it's looking very promising.

BTW, does the ESS9018 digital volume control still function with DSD material? Just checking as I've been using it as my only volume control and don't want to damage anything by finding DSD plays at max.


Ray, thanks for the update. Look forward to the release version.
I would think any transcoding will affect the final sound quality so best to keep in native format other than for test purposes. That is why I am looking for UPnP server that 'streams' DSD natively

On digital volume control for DSD, I haven't seen issues with my setup. Also, there is nothing in the datasheet that indicates any precautions for the 9018. Other DACs like AKM4490 do, and require Vol control bypass. in fact even DSD detection requires I2C setting of registers for the AKM series.
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Ray, thanks for the update. Look forward to the release version.
I would think any transcoding will affect the final sound quality so best to keep in native format other than for test purposes. That is why I am looking for UPnP server that 'streams' DSD natively

On digital volume control for DSD, I haven't seen issues with my setup. Also, there is nothing in the datasheet that indicates any precautions for the 9018. Other DACs like AKM4490 do, and require Vol control bypass. in fact even DSD detection requires I2C setting of registers for the AKM series.


Im using the 9018 and have been testing DSD64 to DSD512. the internal 9018 volume works well on all..
