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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Thanks Ray, I am preparing a sample for you to test this actually but all SIM checks indicate correct operation. I do not have a complete BBB setup like yours(will take ages with my current workload), so your help is appreciated :)

Thanks Acko. I'm just about to order some header pins and ufl cables so I'll be in a position to install and test quickly.

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Thanks for all you do Acko!

Comparing the S03 to BBB-i2s vs. S03 to BBB-i2s/DSD: The main differences appear to be DSD and "safe shutdown". If I didn't need DSD for this specific project, would I be better off with the S03 to BBB-i2s? Are there alternative ways for good power management with the BBB in the case of mains power loss? I'm assuming I could still hook up a LIPO battery directly to the BBB. Details from those who have used the S03 to BBB-i2s board would be greatly appreciated.
Looks great.

How does the "Safe shutdown upon mains power loss" work? Will the BBB powerdown itselve, how is this achieved, in software?

It is done by the on-board uC. Btw, the power monitoring, sequencing, protection and shutdown does not depend on Miero's Botic driver or even any OS and is truly general purpose for use with any BBB application.

Yes, the BBB will shutdown itself in the same way as described in the BBB SRM reference document.
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Joined 2010
Paid Member
Its here now!

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

See my webpage for more details and ordering information....


Nice board as usual!

As you know I face some problems with my BBB-S03. At that time I give up and back to the Edel_NMR waiting for the new miero release... Unfortunately I get also some personal problems and I didn't follow the forum strictly.
So, please forgive me if you explain already somewhere but, if I want to use the board that are you proposing here I can suppose that the same miero image should be used? Can you address me to a complete explanation/setup of this new board?

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks for all you do Acko!

Comparing the S03 to BBB-i2s vs. S03 to BBB-i2s/DSD: The main differences appear to be DSD and "safe shutdown". If I didn't need DSD for this specific project, would I be better off with the S03 to BBB-i2s? Are there alternative ways for good power management with the BBB in the case of mains power loss? I'm assuming I could still hook up a LIPO battery directly to the BBB. Details from those who have used the S03 to BBB-i2s board would be greatly appreciated.

You are welcome!

If your equipment has no DSD capability or if you do not wish to play DSD material then best consider the much cheaper BBB-I2S adapter. It has already been proven by many users. No auto power shutdown function on board but has all the power sequencing and protection when used with the S03. Just do a manual shutdown like you would for a typical PC. You can connect a battery to the BBB to provide UPS functions and just keep any eye on the charge level.

I think Miero's BoticV4 release? may have power management functions tacked in as well. Then this simple board will get 'upgraded' capability automatically.

Nice board as usual!

As you know I face some problems with my BBB-S03. At that time I give up and back to the Edel_NMR waiting for the new miero release... Unfortunately I get also some personal problems and I didn't follow the forum strictly.
So, please forgive me if you explain already somewhere but, if I want to use the board that are you proposing here I can suppose that the same miero image should be used? Can you address me to a complete explanation/setup of this new board?

Thanks and Regards,

Thanks Enrico, have also noted your problems with BBB-S03.The new board will work with the current V3 Botic drivers for I2S and DSD. Setup is fairly straightforward just like the simpler BBB-I2S. Maybe someone could help to supply a fully configured and tested BBB/Botic for you. I am also looking for one myself, saves the trouble with all this Linux stuff :D
Joined 2010
Paid Member
Hi Acko, should be nice to have a tested BBB/botic but if you remember the problem was integrating the "upmpdcli" so I think that this will solve the issue. As soon I get some time free I will recap the BBB-S03 that I abandoned at that time trying to make it working properly.

I just noticed that you just mention in the post to Mull3t about a V4 of miero botic. Maybe you have any news about?
Joined 2010
Paid Member
Hi Enrico, you could still try gmediarenderer to add upnp/dlna functionality to BBBotic. Its a little more complicated to install than upmpdcli but I used it previously and it seemed to work well. Here's a link to some instructions;

Playing music on a Raspberry Pi using UPnP and DLNA (v3) | Stephen C Phillips

Ignore the reference to Raspberry Pi, the underlying operating system is still debian Linux.


Ciao Ray, thanks for the link! I will give a trial in the next weekend and I will let you know.
