Asathor - a JBL 4367 Clone

I mean the part you encircled. And according to what I read and the feedback I get here it indeed indicates overdamping (whatever that means). It doesn't fit with the impedance models I've found; or what I make of them.

I just did another weird test:

Door open and closed:
Orange: door closed
Green: closed open

Not sure what we can learn from this. But I can influence the asymmetry from the outside. With the door closed I get a clearer (yet still overlapping) 2nd resonance. Is it an actual resonance (distance from baffle to door is 7cm)? Is it a reflection off the door? If so do we have reflections off the damping material also? More questions with every attempt too answer some :)
thimios ... since this design uses the woofer up into the midrange I'd be listening to the woofers' response where it hands off to the horn driver. I'd try to make that area sound less muffled as possible for the woofer and make vocals as intelligible as the horn driver is right there. That usually ends up with there being some open areas within the enclosure and a block of damping right behind the woofer. Right now, the combined sound of the drivers would help you answer the question of how much damping is too much. Set the laptop aside for this one :)
Sorry, I have not been here for a few days.
Your measurements show the behavior of the room. To measure only the loudspeaker, please place the speaker and the mic in the middle of a room as large as possible. The tweeter should be about half the height of the room and there should be nothing in the area around the speaker and the mic at least 1m away. Then you can measure down to about 200Hz, which is quite sufficient. For this you need to set IR Windows as described in the link from sheeple.