Asathor - a JBL 4367 Clone

The gate is for indoor measurements. I suspect that something is wrong with the crossover. Can you take impedance measurements? Unfortunately, I can't do anything with the results of the oscilloscope.
I will measure all crossover components.
I don't know if scope results are useful but looking at those you can see that the voltage out is significantly lower at the same frequencies where the deep is.
Well, just try reversing the horn wires and see what the graph looks like, i can clearly see a phase shift on your direct vs crossover pics, you suppose to see the 2 waveforms in top of each other (in phase) , your pics show out of phase crossover signal compared to the source clean signal.
Reverse the horn polarity.
Worse results...


  • Asathor indoor on axis 1m reverce horn polarity.jpg
    Asathor indoor on axis 1m reverce horn polarity.jpg
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Ok, that means it was right before the "test", ok put the wires back the way it was, so what i can think of is time smear at your XO point, i wish you had DSP and 2 channels of amplifier so we can time align the 2 drivers , somehow your crossover is shifting the phase and that's why you have the dip in the 1st graph before you swapped the polarity, looks like some cancellation by phase smear.

Can't tell if that is your exact case but, recheck your crossover for accuracy, is easy to mess up a connection or 2.

Try with another known good crossover even that the XO point is not the same.

You suppose to have superimposed graph on the least almost identical.

And they are not, check for crossover build errors, or parts values off.
My 2 cents.
For people wanting reports on how they sound. I've heard them. Rese66 has an uncanny ability to write very accurately, straight, and perfect descriptions and thoughts on these, imo. So what can I really say differently?

In my opinion, he has designed a horn speaker that has all of the positive attributes good horns do, while never once sounding like PA speakers. These are true HiFi sounding horns, which do everything really well. The measurements show this to great effect. This time, you can realize the goodness the measurements point to.
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First, it is really hard to check on your x-over for correct connections. So maybe, even if you think it is right, check again. Two coils may have been interchanged.

Second, it might be a problem with your measuring. Measure outside, have the middle between horn and woofer cone about 1.5m high at least. Microfone also 1.5m high or what ever you can realize with the box. 2-3m measuring distance. Measure LOUD.
If you have another well known, documented chassis or speaker, make a measurement and see if you can get a compareable curve.

Third, the drivers may be out of spec. For some reason Tymphany does not like to sell the the compression driver any more. This makes me think...

Check the woofer. May be it is out of spec too. Start with simple resistance = z-coil DC

Last: Measure each driver allone, but with x-over. Compare to the measurements her:ännerbox/
Can you measure the input of the speakers just like you did with the output and a microphone? I don't know what equipment you have, but you can feed the input of the speakers to the ADC, but you'll have to make shure that the level is appropriate. I have a small box where I can attenuate the signal and it has two green LED's which limits the amplitude to 1-2 V.

Chop the chain in parts in order to find the problem.