Asynchronous I2S FIFO project, an ultimate weapon to fight the jitter

I don't think people leaving the group buy if the questions been answered then they are sure how to do the things otherwise they hesitate.
Different people different opinions 😉

@Ian, I am ready for the sc-pure clock my last upgrade then my streamer is finished.



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I don't think people leaving the group buy if the questions been answered then they are sure how to do the things otherwise they hesitate.
Different people different opinions 😉

@Ian, I am ready for the sc-pure clock my last upgrade then my streamer is finished.

Agree ….. why would people pull out due to questions, questions are good!
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Joined 2002
Both purepi and shieldpi pro mktwo have switches as you can read in the often referred to manuals.
The idea is to keep the purepi ultracaps being charged because the Raspberry power is cut off.
The shieldpi pro is kind of connected in parallel to the purepi so i presume they will be kept charged too.

I dont know if the Raspberry has a kind of warm up time. They often say on/off switching is the hardest thing for electronic gear.
Of course if you build things not according to '' safety standards '' better switch it off . Insurrance wont pay if you just wire things up like most diy folks do. Nice for testing but not if you are outside and a small dog walking around.
Greetings, eduard
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Joined 2002
So if you are making a stack purepi 5 volt, raspberry and mount the shieldpi pro mk2 on top you can just use an external switch and connect it according to the manual?
The shieldpi pro will act like a little icing on the cake regarding the power supply decoupling Ian is telling us.
Anyone can confirm this? After all Ian is a salesman.
There have been some " audiophile grade " linear power supplies popping up the last years. I remember the French trying impressive specs power supplies using active elements and in general the idea was that the sound wasn't nice. You might say quality of parts has improved so better devices should be available. Well, show us where they are.
Replace your 20 year old washing machine because it has no digital screen and uses a bit more energy and get a new that will last ten years if you are very lucky.
Supercaps offer more F than the ones used by the French in the eighties but the ones back then could not be used like the caps from today because their specs were not useful for audio.
The people from Uptone explained a little about their ideas about using choke, regulator and supercaps.
Supercaps alone like the ucpure is nice when current draw is moderate and if you dont need some coke cans in series. Probably they will get smaller in the past.
Now let us wait for Ian or one of his pious followers to answer the question in the first sentence.
I don't think people leaving the group buy if the questions been answered then they are sure how to do the things otherwise they hesitate.
Different people different opinions 😉

@Ian, I am ready for the sc-pure clock my last upgrade then my streamer is finished.

I like the look of your system. Minimalist. Nice and clean.
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From the same manual
You can power your RaspberryPi via GPIO through J3 to the RPi USB power connection. To do so, connect a 5V 2A DC power supply to J3, MAINTAINING CORRECT POLARITY!!! DO NOT connect power to J3 if you already power your Raspberry Pi by a PurePi to the GPIO at the bottom side, or via another method, such as the Micro-USB port. FifoPi Q7 has much powerful FIFO engine, so it’s need 5V power supply for J3. FifoPi Q7 will not work if you feed 3.3V to J3

Like i suggested before someone with the right knowledge and '' software skills '' should make a few drawings like this where the most used configurations are visualized . Not all members here are used to read English manuals and also not everyone can write a manual that can be understood by people with another native language.

This thread could be a kind of free marketing tool IF the information is clear to grasp for non technical potential customers as well. Potential customers must have the idea this is the right way to go and if i run into trouble there will be help. Right now that is a bit of a mixed bag.

Greetings, eduard


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Thnx for the clarification!. The picture of the Q7 and the word "optional" in the headline is not helping indeed.

Can i assume that the power on J3/rpi/fifo is supposed to be 'dirty side"?
So a bit simpeler power supply will be ok?

And if i think about it...
If you put the FifipiQ7 ontop of a powered rpi... The 5V is also provided via gpio.

So in most cases: rpi powered with 5v and ontop of the rpi a Fifopi powered with 3,3v
= Working setup
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Joined 2002
Writing a clear instruction manual is a skill.
We are used to English but it does not mean we can understand everything that can be understood by a native speaker.
Just like old people cannot read the language teenagers use when chatting with their friends. But i read that these youngsters dont know how to make a phone call. Probably they also cannot understand these manuals too.
Greetings, eduard
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Lots of capitol letters.
Many websites dont allow you to use that many capitol letters i think.
If you were never forced to learn a foreign language because everybody should be able to read English you will sometimes have no clue how to write something that can be clearly understood worldwide.
Of course many young people having trouble writing anything at all because they bought more phones than books in their short life.

I know that when i order food in the countryside of Vietnam i should sometimes use English that will not be accepted by my old teacher but will be understood by a waiter in a restaurant where 95 % of the customers will be local people. If you cannot eat with chopsticks it might take 5 minutes before you can get a fork or a spoon because they only know the word knife.
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Joined 2002
The chief editor of the French l'audiophile magazine wrote about supercap application for audio in September 1983. Back then they had a big disadvantage that would allow us to make a supply with only supercaps. Happily things have changed and very probably number of F for a given physical seize of cap will go up.
I have all the old magazines in print, after extinction of that magazine they were available on a disk and if you google for a long time you should be able to track them down somewhere. Of course you must be educated to read them.
Greetings, Eduard

Is there any way to safely switch ON and OFF the RPI? I’m using the shieldpi pro, switching off is possible with settings in GPIO buttons according shieldpi pro datasheet. But
How on earth get is back ON, without disconnecting power supply?
i use this code (boot/config.txt) for only safe power of and then gpio pin 13 and ground.


if you use volumio there is a plugin for it then set to gpio 3 i think you can then shut down and boot.

I use this button for that.


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From the same manual
You can power your RaspberryPi via GPIO through J3 to the RPi USB power connection. To do so, connect a 5V 2A DC power supply to J3, MAINTAINING CORRECT POLARITY!!! DO NOT connect power to J3 if you already power your Raspberry Pi by a PurePi to the GPIO at the bottom side, or via another method, such as the Micro-USB port. FifoPi Q7 has much powerful FIFO engine, so it’s need 5V power supply for J3. FifoPi Q7 will not work if you feed 3.3V to J3

Like i suggested before someone with the right knowledge and '' software skills '' should make a few drawings like this where the most used configurations are visualized . Not all members here are used to read English manuals and also not everyone can write a manual that can be understood by people with another native language.

This thread could be a kind of free marketing tool IF the information is clear to grasp for non technical potential customers as well. Potential customers must have the idea this is the right way to go and if i run into trouble there will be help. Right now that is a bit of a mixed bag.

Greetings, eduard
The issue is Ian offers many modules and combinations and that makes it harder to make simple drawings. FifoPi needs 5v and 3.3v and the 5v can come from different places, for example is you use any of the stationPi options you power the 5v to the stationPi and the that powers the 5v on the Fifop.

you then only need to supply the FiFoPi directly with 3.3v……once you understand this it is easier
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Joined 2002
It is true there are several combinations that can be made and it is generally accepted that the 3,3 volt for the fifopi should be the one where the money goes.
But with the right software it is a piece of cake to remove one board from a complete set up '' picture '' and replace it by another board.
Yes in the end we could end up with a pile of drawings but we also have a pile of manuals.
In the end you will just have to select the drawing that is applying the boards you bought and laminate it.
Or just rob a bank and buy a Grimm mu2
Greetings, Eduard