Best Compression Drivers today 2022?


The JBL "Coherent Wave™" phasing plug structure uses four equal length passages to provide in-phase summation of the diaphragm's output, in other words, a plane wave. It is designed for use with the 235X series of Bi-Radial diffraction horns.

Roy Delgado's "phase plug extension horn throat diverging acoustic lens" depicted in post 205 is specifically designed with non-equal length passages to spread (diverge) the very high frequency waves into the Klipsch K-402 conic/tractrix horn.


Rob :)

Thanks for the picture, info and audio description!
Looks like the bug screen would have to be removed on the BMS 4592ND to fit the diverging lens.
Appears like ring 1 and 3 may have been designed to align with the Axi2050 phase plug rings.
View attachment 1071106
What drivers are you currently using on the Jubilees?
Did you make polar measurements of the Jubilees with and without the lenses?

I just found this:
Wow, Chris, they sold fast!

You mentioned similar prior art can be found extensively on this, any examples you could point to?

Here's one that should have a patent examiner scratching their head:

There are more. Internal horn lenses/phase plug extensions are not new to horn-loaded tweeters. Prior art...


BTW: those lenses probably sold due to the pent up demand for a 2" compression driver lens--by those running K-402 horns currently--and there are well over 100 people running them in their home hi-fi systems. The K-402 horn didn't change in the latest Jubilee version--it's the same horn, but painted to improve the appearance.

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Internal horn lenses/phase plug extensions are not new to horn-loaded tweeters. Prior art...

View attachment 1073336

The "prior art" above is a two-slot phase plug, not an extension.
It appears to be an evolution of the single-slot "Avedon Sonophase" design used in the Electro-Voice T35 (K-77) Klipsch used until EV stopped manufacturing them.
Klipsch1%22Phase plugs .png

The Sonophase design claimed to restore proper phase relationship lost at higher frequencies due to diaphragm deformation, the longer path length around the hemispherical central loading plug delaying output from the central region.
The convex side of the diaphragm dome in these drivers face toward the phase plug, most compression drivers diaphragms use the opposite orientation. I don’t recall seeing this phase plug design used on any concave driver orientations.
Though somewhat similar in appearance, Roy Delgado's "phase plug extension horn throat diverging acoustic lens" depicted in post 205 uses five parallel nested tubes forming an ellipse at the exit, a different design concept.
