BF862 Preamp

10VA / 48V = 0.2083 A => 100ma draw easily

BTW, I was talking about 24V AC + 9V AC 10VA transformer (post #28 - final preamp's schematic)
100mA easily is not true for a capacitor input filter loading a transformer.
~100mA is the maximum continuous rating from a 10VA 48Vac transformer.
At this current the transformer will be running hot.
It may be hotter than the maximum temperature rating of the manufacturer.

Where do you suggest he buys a 24Vac + 9Vac ~10VA transformer?
100mA easily is not true for a capacitor input filter loading a transformer.
~100mA is the maximum continuous rating from a 10VA 48Vac transformer.
At this current the transformer will be running hot.
I run this preamp with two transformers (3.9VA each) and they are absolutely cool. Stop seeding paranoia.

Where do you suggest he buys a 24Vac + 9Vac ~10VA transformer?
I suppose the schematic (post #28) is a suggestion enough.
To avoid possible misunderstanding, I should be more specific about transformer and PS. The fact is that whenever there is a precise explanation but longer than 5 sentences, there will be someone who didn't read it carefully enough or simple doesn't understand it and we have an instant controversy.

To avoid that, I say:
- readers who understand the schematic and have some knowledge and experience will know what to do;
- the rest of the crew take the 30VA transformer or 50VA or whatever makes you feel good

I made this preamp, it works nicely for me and for guys who built it, I'm sharing the project here - that's all I can do. I can't make anyone learn anything and I can't pet anyone's vanity.
Hi npapp,
please remove my nick from that GB - I know that you mean it as a recognition, but someone might think that I have some financial interest in that GB which is not the case.
Thank you :)

Hi Juma, Sorry if my naming made you uneasy. Of course this was only meant for recognition since this was your design. I don't know if there is a way to change the name but maybe one of the moderators can help. I will ask and see how to best resolve this issue. In the meantime, I can clarify that you are not a partner in this group buy. Also, there is no financial gain planned for myself. Any excess funds will go to forum in the form of a donation when the GB is complete.

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Hi Juma, Sorry if my naming made you uneasy. Of course this was only meant for recognition since this was your design. I don't know if there is a way to change the name but maybe one of the moderators can help. I will ask and see how to best resolve this issue. In the meantime, I can clarify that you are not a partner in this group buy. Also, there is no financial gain planned for myself. Any excess funds will go to forum in the form of a donation when the GB is complete.


Name changed
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Hi Guys,

No-one responded to my post #119 about redoing the output buffer boards, so I decided to go ahead and do it anyhow... Photo attached of the six boards ready to be installed in DIP-16 sockets.

"Six?" you may ask... Don't worry, I haven't suddenly decided to tri-amp the system :D I only need four for Big Greenie, but making six at the same time is little more work than doing four, and I decided I'd like to have a couple of spares. This way I'm covered if any of them is duff, and if all are OK then either I build another preamp, or some lucky friend gets one...

Each of the boards contains the basic preamp circuit minus decoupling and output caps. (PSU is obviously not on it...)

Next couple of evenings I intend to pull the main board, and replace the larger output buffers, for all the reasons explained in #119. It should also allow for a much cleaner p2p layout on the bottom, which has to be a good thing...




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i mistakenly bought some 0.125w resistors, do them work in this design?
Or only quarter watt is suppose to be ideal...

Hi chchyong89,

I am using 1/8 W resistors (SMD) in the preamp section without problems. The resistors I am using in the PSU sections are larger, but I expect 1/8 would be OK too, although to be sure the currents and power and so forth would have to be calculated.


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