Building the ultimate NOS DAC using TDA1541A

Hi matthiasw,

Is this device also XMOS based like U192?

This USB to Toslink converter is only intended for use with the PowerDACs that contain a S/PDIF DAPI receiver that offers a very high degree of source immunity as we tackled both, the source noise problem -and- the jitter problem inside the PowerDAC.

It's not based on the XMOS, we use a small 28 pin ARM processor + custom software.

Will you release a "non-PowerDAC" with DAPI similar to your existing FractalDAC?

You can find information about the planned PowerDACs & versions here:

- ECdesigns
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If it's feasible within the way the DAPI buffer works, it would be neat if it could be set for a variable amount of delay, to time align two drivers using 2 Power DACs. Each power DAC may still drive a passive filter, but something like a first-order LX-mini could be feasible, where the FR sits centered above the woofer

I guess a spidf FIFO buffer with variable delay ahead of one Power Dac would work as well, just curious if DAPI could accomplish it

Thanks for the website update!
Back to the TDA1541A....
Going balanced was THE most impressive improvement in SQ. Doing that by using the Chinese CPLD board from AliX.
Also replaced the originally used TPA6120 headphone amp by an IN1620 evaluation board, keeping the OPA1656 I/V. Also replaced the PCM2706 USB to SAA7220 by JLsounds USB and Foobar SOX resampling.
All DC-coupled, with no offset problems whatsoever. The balanced to single ended with the INA1620 does magic.
Just to repeat the old story, there is something regarding voices and timing, the TDA1541A does so special, nothing else comes close.
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I'd like to listen to the TDA1541A S1 or late South Asia with nowadays ECDESIGNS digital front end. I'm sure it will be great... the digital front end is often 50% if not more of the sound that the dac chip gives you. Add 30% for the analog I/V stage. The 20% of the Dac chip stays of a great importance... and here those 20% of the TDA1541A have not really or many better swap since ;)
But at the end all is about also about the whole layout.