CamillaDSP - Cross-platform IIR and FIR engine for crossovers, room correction etc.

@sarieri Interesting. I renamed my typical configuration as 48khz.yml and when I restart CamillaDSP or restart my RPi4 State shows as INACTIVE and I get the following in the log.

2023-09-14 01:36:51.877692 INFO  [src/] CamillaDSP version 2.0.0-alpha2
2023-09-14 01:36:51.877900 INFO  [src/] Running on linux, aarch64
2023-09-14 01:36:51.878310 WARN  [src/] Invalid statefile!
while parsing a block mapping, did not find expected key at line 15 column 1
2023-09-14 01:36:54.346626 WARN  [src/] Lost connection: WebSocket protocol error: Connection reset without closing handshake

When I look at the state file it shows the config_path as ~. Interestingly enough prior to restarting, config_path in the state file shows the 48khz.yml configuration.

@TNT I'd say it's quite stable. Most issues are minor.
If you are using camilladsp as a volume control however, you probably want to wait. My volume once bumped to 0dB. That was after intensive testings with REW. I basically had two configs at that time, one for daily use and one for testing purposes only. When I switched back to my daily config after testing and set the volume to -50dB, the volume bumped to 0dB, but just for about 1 second(maybe even less). I cannot reproduce the problem since then. Maybe it has something to do with volume_ramp_time?
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Doesn't seem very pleasant! So you had a config running, and volume was -50dB. Then you switched to a different config and volume went up to 0 db and then by itself back to -50?
No, I had my testing config running, the volume was 0dB, then I switched to my daily use config and set the volume to -50dB, but the volume went up to 0 and got back to -50dB on its own immediately.
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@mdsimon2 That was on alpha1, maybe it was fixed in alpha2.
@HenrikEnquist I also found that cdsp constantly report "PB: Prepare playback after buffer underrun" when using ASIO driver on windows. There's no problem when playing music with directplay. Maybe that's due to the cutoff of XMOS driver? (There's a latency between the start of a sound and the dac "reacting" and actually playing sound).


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I'm on Mac and already have Conda installed - will this be the correct procedure?

What about the "venv" part below?? I was confused here - only Windows? Or is this only if you dont run Conda?

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Automated setup scrips for CamillaGUI
Start by downloading the files in this repository. The easiest way is to download and uncompress this .zip file.

Open a terminal, and navigate to the folder where the setup scripts are located. Run the install script:


Check the gui default configuration (camilladsp/gui/config/camillagui.yml) and edit as needed.

Starting the gui
First start camilladsp if it's not already running.
Change to the "camilladsp/gui" folder, and run the backend.
Linux or MacOS.

cd ~/camilladsp/gui
conda run -n camillagui python

This uses the venv module that is part of the standard library in Python. Python 3.8 or later is required.

Open a terminal, and navigate to the folder where the setup scripts are located. Then run the install script.
On Linux or MacOS:


Starting the gui
First start camilladsp if it's not already running.
Change to the "camilladsp/gui" folder, and run the backend. The virtual environment is activated by simply using the python executable of the environment.
Linux or MacOS:

cd ~/camilladsp/gui

Start CamillaDSP
Linux and MacOS:

~/camilladsp/bin/camilladsp ~/camilladsp/configs/your_config.yml -p1234 -w

- - - - -

Why is GUI started twice? Why the first time?

Please edit and post back actual procedure. I need to succeed - cant live without music? ;-)



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The structure of your instruction fooled me a bit...

I think I get it now - Conda + Mac (no clone):

Conda Install

Starting the gui
cd ~/camilladsp/gui
conda run -n camillagui python

The gui should now be available at http://localhost:5000

Start CamillaDSP
~/camilladsp/bin/camilladsp ~/camilladsp/configs/your_config.yml -p1234 -w


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the volume was 0dB, then I switched to my daily use config and set the volume to -50dB, but the volume went up to 0 and got back to -50dB on its own immediately.
Can you please describe the exact steps you took here?
I also found that cdsp constantly report "PB: Prepare playback after buffer underrun" when using ASIO driver on windows. There's no problem when playing music with directplay.
How do you use ASIO? Camilladsp doesn't support that. And what do you mean with directplay? Frequent underruns usually mans that buffers are very small. Have you configured things for very low latency?