Classic Aleph Amplifier for Modern UMS Chassis Builder's Thread

Joined 2014
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Feel free to use this if you like. I saved this a while ago. My dyslexia hits hard when dealing with different pinouts.

The other two amps are an Aleph J and F5. I also have an F4 and F6, and have built the BA3 and M2X, but repurposed the chassis for other builds. Since I sold my CJ preamp the F4 doesn't get used much as the ML doesn't have enough gain to drive the F4 to my preferred listening levels. I do use the F4 occasionally with my Bottlehead S.E.X., but I have kind of moved away from listening to the Bottlehead.

The ML sounds very different than the FW amps. It is very polite and pleasant sounding, and easily drives my 4 ohm speakers. It sounds more effortless than the FW amps, which it should given the power rating. But the FW amps are significantly more transparent and detailed, and have a sweeter top end. Of all the amps the Aleph 30 has the most drive and force (at normal listening levels), including the ML, though not necessarily the tightest grip on the low end. The ML beats all the FW amps there. At the risk of offending, the Aleph 30 reminds me of my Naim 200DR amp, albeit much more transparent and sweet sounding.

Thank you for the comprehensive review! FWIW, build yourself either the Aleph 60 or Aleph 2 if you want something with more current drive capability into 4 ohm loads. The Aleph series as a whole has a more ripe midbass but that gets tighter and tighter with larger models at the expense of heat and size.

Again, nice work and keep it up!

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Joined 2010
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The other two amps are an Aleph J and F5. I also have an F4 and F6, and have built the BA3 and M2X, but repurposed the chassis for other builds. Since I sold my CJ preamp the F4 doesn't get used much as the ML doesn't have enough gain to drive the F4 to my preferred listening levels. I do use the F4 occasionally with my Bottlehead S.E.X., but I have kind of moved away from listening to the Bottlehead.

The ML sounds very different than the FW amps. It is very polite and pleasant sounding, and easily drives my 4 ohm speakers. It sounds more effortless than the FW amps, which it should given the power rating. But the FW amps are significantly more transparent and detailed, and have a sweeter top end. Of all the amps the Aleph 30 has the most drive and force (at normal listening levels), including the ML, though not necessarily the tightest grip on the low end. The ML beats all the FW amps there. At the risk of offending, the Aleph 30 reminds me of my Naim 200DR amp, albeit much more transparent and sweet sounding.

What CJ preamp was that? I've been driving a CJ PV9 since '89. Abour four years ago I did a complete refresh and added the teflon caps ( at the CJ factory, when they still supported us old customers ). It drives the F4 to pretty loud levels... even rock and roll... but that requires a reasonable efficient speaker..

For the Maggies, the A2 is indispensable.. or perhaps bridged F4s with a balanced BA3 preamp. The A5s simply run out of steam with the Maggies. ( 1.7 and 12 ). I have not triied the F4 with the Maggies...

For the low end I drive a pair of Entec SW5s... just a little bit, mind you. So, I don't need to worry if the FW/Pass amps are soft in the bottom end.
Joined 2014
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I also have an F4 and F6, and have built the BA3 and M2X, but repurposed the chassis for other builds.
I built the F6 a while back. It was a nice amp. I have never heard the F4 or the M2X.

I have the boards for a BA3 sitting in my drawer. How did you like the BA3 compared to your Aleph 30? I have some heatsinks sitting around and can build either a Aleph 30 or a BA3
Joined 2014
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I was asking wdavis as it seems he has experience with all of these. But keep us in the loop on your projects. I am interested to hear how those work for your Maggies. Are you thinking of Balanced BA3 for yourself? I thought I saw some boards for a BBA3 in the swap section recently.
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The BA3 is nice. A bit of a cross between the F4 and F5. Since I already had both, it didn't really offer something different enough. I think if you like F4 but don't have a preamp with enough gain the BA3 makes a lot of sense. I've liked all the amps I've built so far except for the M2X. I only used that for for short while and then repurposed the chassis and power supply for the Aleph J.
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